14 Stone To Lose

Cheeseburger, curly chips and onion rings :eek: 1069 calories apparently, it seems unbelievable that I could have that and still have so many left(!)
Not too bad at all thank you lovely :)

Been meaning to say for a few days, I had a play with the letters and came up with this:

I can also do the simple chain ones or a fishtale which are both minus beads if you'd rather have something more understated but still prominent as a personal reminder to yourself.


Still learning other types and enjoying myself playing around to be honest :D [still a kid!]

Let me know what you want, I'm happy to try and personalise them colour wise or wording if required as much as I can. Mine seems to be helping me when it comes to reaching out to naughty things - I see it on my arm (just a simple fishtale one with no beads) and it reminds me what I'm doing and why. It's a silly thing but it's definitely helping focus me at weak times.

One little thing though: If there's loads of people after one, I may have to ask for a little bit towards P&P as otherwise it may end up a bit expensive to send all out - will have to see how many there are :)
OMG I love them!!
do u have paypal love? Can I order a pink and white fish tale will pay you xx
Aww thanks love. I'm not so sure on the beaded ones but the fishtales are so easy, it's twist one, put two over the bars and then generally just pull the bottom one to the top and then add another and repeat. If you search on youtube (or online if you don't need the video help) there's loads of tutorials :)
OMG I love them!!
do u have paypal love? Can I order a pink and white fish tale will pay you xx

Course m'lovely, will get it sorted asap.

Don't worry about the payment as yet m'lovely, we'll see how many are wanted as if it's only a few I don't mind paying the postage :)
Course m'lovely, will get it sorted asap. Don't worry about the payment as yet m'lovely, we'll see how many are wanted as if it's only a few I don't mind paying the postage :)

Don't be silly Hun you have to pay material costs and postage let me pay x
Awww if you're sure lovely, thank you :) 2nd class postage should only be about 60p :) I'll pm you my pp email x
Aww thank you lovely, I appreciate it :) Hope this is ok: <img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=141857"/>

Perfect!! Can't wait to wear it with pride xx
Oh sweetheart they look great. I was gonna ask you how much you're selling them for.

You've paid for the Bands etc so make sure you charge us. You've spent your time and effort so I definitely want to pay for it

Lemme know the price and I'll pay you x
If you're sure m'lovely, the price is about 1.60 as that's 2nd class postage and Nessa added a bit for the bands (thank you lovely!) if you're sure that's okay? :)

Do you want any specific colours for the bands lovely? :) Or do you want one of those already prepared?