16 and Shrinking Team 16

thanks jessie!!!! I am hoping for a loss, nothing showing on the scales yet but i only tend to lose in the last few days before weigh in!

i am not doing SS+ now until weigh in just so i can ss for a while. i am also trying to drink 4 litres instead of 2 but its so COLD.

had a real craving for baked beans when i got up this morning - v weird!. am just gonna try and focus now until sat. then i have decided i am gonna get 2 weeks supply from my CDC. this is because next week is TOM and i get heavier in this week and do not want to have to endure a weigh in during this week. so, for a fortnight i can forget about the scales and concentrate on the diet. i tend to really go for it the 2 days leading up to sat and i really wanna just take weighing out of the equation for a few weeks. also, if i weigh in during TOM and sts i will be really distraught and demotivated so am giving it a miss.

of course, this won't stop me weighing at home (lol). we are a funny bunch aren't we?
Hi - how's it going today Team?

Sorry Tracey, but I'm not sure how long you stay on 4 shakes. I imagine it varies from person to person. I was given the opportunity of 4 shakes but decided to see how I got on with 3 (I got some spares in case of emergency.)

I'm not sure if I did the right thing by sticking to 3 because after my first week, which was fine, I had a major wobble when I had a planned meal (I know what you mean about needing to take food out of the equation.) I started doing my secret binge thing for a few days, but instead of giving up, I posted on the forum and got fabulous support and advice. I've never managed to recover from a diet 'failure' before so that in itself was a major achievement for me. Perhaps if I'd started on 4 shakes I'd have stayed on the wagon ...?

Anyway, I'm now on week 3 SS and have managed to stick to it 100% (touch wood.) I know that I can have an extra shake if I need one, but I haven't really been hungry - I think my problem is more psycholocial So - what I do instead of having an 4th shake is to have my evening choc decaf coffee with a bit of my 'extra' allowance.

I don't think a 4th shake will affect your weight loss in a major way. It's still a vlcd & you'll see results soon. You must be seriously fired up about this to be thinking of sticking to it 100% over Christmas. I think I'll see if I can try an aam option for then so I can indulge without going too crazy!!

Hope you're feeling ok Leeds. Yep - beans is a weird craving (although I had a vivid dream about eating pears at a fairground last night. Disappointed because if I'm going to dream about food, it could at least be coated in ch***late!!)

I was really impressed by your sensible approach to your totm weigh-in (I'm headed there too) but yes- I weigh myself at home too. Why do we do it??

I've still got my fingers crossed that you get a lovely surprise on Saturday xxx
That sounds like a plan for TOTM Leeds.. great idea!

Well, day 2 is ok. I didn't manage the four shakes yesterday or today tho. I'm really not needing it. It's 7:15pm at the mo and I haven't had my 3rd yet because i'm not hungry. I am however deffo going to have my 3 for the day but I'll speak to the CDC councilor regarding the 4th. Same thought as you really Jessie, it's there if I want it.

Only day 2 and I don't know what's wrong, I feel great every morning/early afternoon but from 4pm until about 8ish I feel really fed up, peed off kinda feeling. I just 'want' to ram a packet of crisps into my mouth kinda thing lol I'm not going to, but i'm so irritable and feel like crying! AND I DONT KNOW WHY! lol I keep thinking of how far i've got to go :( can't see the end at all... BUT, rant over.. i'll get there still determined.

Even typing it on here, I feel better already ;) so thank you xxx
Sometimes it does you good to get it all out eh Tracey?

You're doing really well. It sounds as though you're having a bit of a bumpy ride, and there will be ups & downs, but stick with it & I'm sure things will imrove.

I realised that I was spending a lot of time thinking about the things I couldn't have & it was making me miserable. Now I try to think of the things I can have & give myself little (non-food) treats.

I think CD can play havoc with your emotions too (I seem to recall reading a post - something about hormone levels being stored in fat & it taking a little while for the body to adjust I think) so don't be too hard on yourself.

You should get into ketosis soon as well - which brings its own feel-good factor so hang on in there xxxx :):):):)
aww tracey - i was the same in week 1. very emotional and i think it gets better when you lose weight and clothes get bigger and by week 3-4 you really are used to not having the evening meal.

i felt weepy a few times, but your body will catch up with you and you will soon feel great. i had no hunger at all for 3 weeks but then i think you start to feel hungry so keep the extra packs for then. i did a 100% day yesterday and feel great today, am hoping for a similar day today and then iget weighed tomorrow. would love to lose 3lbs but it might be more likely 2 lbs.

i only have a stone and half to goal so am expecting the losses to be slow. also, although i would never dare post this on the main forum, i usually have a meal on sat nights. usually it is a ss+ meal of chicken and veg but last week i had pizza. this sat i am having tuna steaks - a treat but still not too bad.

i cannot get through the week without having one meal in the week and although i know this slows my weight losses i would rather do this than end up nibbling all week. it is bad, but i need to do the family meal at least once in the week otherwise i really do feel like i have nothing to live for! dramatic i know but i think that changes my food choices to things like chicken and tuna and cottage cheese is at leasta step in the right direction. wish me luck for tomorrow (i know you already have so thanks jessie)!

tracey - stick out this week and you will find that your whole mindset changes!! i guarantee that! it does get much easier..
oh tracey - another thing - day 3 is horrendous. i was nauseous, crying, emotional, depressed and very headachey. i got home from work and told hubby and he started getting me some food ready cos i looked so ill. then i lay in bed and thought about my life and what it would mean to lose the weight. i came on the forum and had a good vent and moan, then sat in the bath (I was freezing too on that day) and got out the bath read the great replies and sat down to another shake. that day was a real make or break day for me as i was one milimetre away from giving up! i stuck with it and day 4 onwards was fabulous!!!! no hunger, feeling amazing, weight loss..... please come on here today if you feel rough and know that if you get through today and tomorrow you are on the home straight!

good luck girl!
LOL Leeds, i've been reading through this site for over an hour today, so far! You're sooooo right. lol I feel awful today, bad headache, and feel uchy but.. not one micro part of me is wanting to quit. My boyfriend walked in and said, to be blunt 'christ, you look like ****' Geee, thanks! Bless him, he's great really!
I'm sat on the sofa with a blanket over me, heating on full blast etc. (he's bought me a slanket from QVC channel, well cwtchy!)

Before starting this diet I knew it was going to be hard the first week, and more people would probably quit if it wasn't for posts like you posted. It's to be expected, I will get over it, it will get easier and just to hang on in there.

I am 100% going to get there, and this site and people like yourself and Jessie play a BIG part in that.

About your meal a week, hey.. if it works for you and it does then that's a great thing, you're controlling it and that's what it's all about. You'll get to where you want to be and best of luck for tomorrow, i'm sure you'll be fine :) Let us know how you get on...

Leeds everything you've said, and I mean everything..... big thank you! xx

Jessie - It deffo does good to get everything out hun, and i'm trying not to be too hard on myself. God, I feel like i'm moaning all the time, and it's not me.. I'm so happy go lucky but thank you for saying what you have, it doesn't make me feel alone at all. Great!

Roll on Ketosis!!

Glad you guys are on the team ;)
take care! and remember tomorrow or sun you will wake up feeling like a million dollars. i actually felt like i had found some amazing secret society. today might be rough but stick it out and you will be ok. don't worry about moaning, i was a complete witch until the happy hormones and weight loss kicked in. keep at it and come on here whenever you want to moan, rant etc. this is why we have a team. so we can help and share and discuss problems. i find that the main forum can be a bit judgemental sometimes so i love having this thread for us to own up to mistakes and move on.

cannot wait to read your weigh in results! I will post mine tomorrow.
OMG had a hellish week girls felt terrible needed food and generally ill then. Anyway i have an abcess so no wonder. I have got some meds now and feel so much better. Sorry i havn't been about to be supportive. Listen you guys you are doing so well and we will get this weight off off off. Tracey drink loads water it makes you feel so much better honest !!! xxxx
Jimmyshoo- glad you're back. We missed you! Sounds like you've been having an awful time. :( Hope you're feeling much better. When you're doing CD, so many things happen to your body, it's hard to know what is diet related & what isn't, but an abscess sounds extremely painful -poor you!

Leeds, I haven't uncrossed anything yet (and it's playing havoc with my typing!!!) Glad there's some movement on the scales - let us know what happens with your weigh-in. And yes - I think you're absolutely right about having a meal to look forward to on a weekend. I haven't ruled it out either. It's a case of whatever gets you through this, and we're grown-ups, if we choose to do it, knowing it might slow things down slightly, then we're entitled to that choice.

If someone can do this 100%, then that's fantastic and it's something to aim for, but I don't think anyone should feel guilty if they need a little something now and then. For me, eating in secret has largely led to my current problems, so I don't see what's wrong in adapting this diet to suit your own needs.

Tracey - oh I really hope you wake up today feeling like you can take on the world (although possibly also a little cold and stinky!!) It's rough at the beginning, but I hope you're managing to hang on in there lovely. xxx
Morning all...

Ohh I feel great today, up early, feel fresh and I don't feel slugish and like my legs are made of concrete! Feel really good and I'm excited again because I'm doing something!!

Leeds you're right, hopefully happy hormones or happy something is kicking in.. deffo feel it this morning.

Aww Jimmyshoo, I hope you feel better hun, an abscess is painful! (hugs)

Jessie - You know that feeling you were talking about 'taking on the world'... I've deffo got up with it this morning ;)

Have a lovely Saturday team xx
jimmyshoo - glad you are back!! hope you are feeling better.

tracey - glad to hear you are over the worse!

Jessie - hows things?

I lost 3lbs today!!! whoop whoop. thats 16lbs in a month! my next weigh in is due a fortnight today but my CDC is on hols so wants to weigh me on the fri evening. i am abit panicky about this as always weigh a lot in the evenings!!! don't want to stop drinking at 12 ish but what to do????? can't skip another week without being weighed! my CDC is lovely and is gonna try and find a way round it.

I am going to fortnightly weigh ins from now on as my CDC lives about half an hour away and its a pain to go there every week. i just hopes this does not make me complacent. don't tell anyone but will be having a family meal this evening but know i will back on my shakes and water tomorrow. wish me luck for next week which is TOM week girls......
YAY!!!!! Leeds, that's brilliant - well done! 16lbs in a month is pretty impressive. :happy096:

I was feeling a bit flat this morning but I'm all enthusiastic again now. I think you have a really sensible approach to CD and I'm sure you'll be fine going for fortnightly weigh-ins. You said that you expect your loss to be fairly slow (but steady) so seeing a fortnightly loss rather than a lower weekly one might actually be quite motivating ?? I'm in the same position & have been considering going 2 weekly so I'll be really interested to see how you get on.

I'm a bit worried because I have another overnight hotel stay with work this week, and that's what triggered my wobble in week 2. I'm waiting to hear from my CDC to see if I can go tomorrow & get emergency tetras. It will mean having my wi a day early, so I'm a bit nervous - what a difference a day can make!

And enjoy your meal tonight - my lips are sealed ......

Tracey - I'm so glad you're feeling better. It's a great feeling isn't it. I found myself spending 2 days solid sorting out my children's bedroom, doing shuttle-runs to buy storage boxes, etc.

I'm now surrounded by their trick-or-treat haul, which is enough to see them into the new year! Bowls and bowls of sweets & chocolate - it's not fair!!!

Hope you're feeling better Jimmyshoo.

I wonder what's happened to Claire and Nugabug?

Anyway, enjoy the rest of your Saturday - it's great to have good news xxxx
hi jessie - i am almost on my last stone to goal so am expecting it to be a bit slower this month and if it helps me stick to it but takes longer i have to do what suits me. as for the fortnightly weigh in i think thats the way for me to go because i get really caught up in the whole weigh in thing (even though i weigh from home so know roughly what i'm going to be!). also, it might help me stay more focussed.

i agree - weighing a day early is pretty scary! i tend to lose most my weight in the last day. what a bummer if i don't lose anything next time!!! LOL. i can find that funny today cos nothing is getting to me today! i am over the moon. even on WW i tend to lose about 3lbs a month so doing it in a week is amazing for me considering i had a pizza last sat night. I am not advocating eating to any of you (it does mess with your head and body so you have to be strong) and for the first 3 weeks i was saintly but i have lost the bulk of what i wanted off and will now have to take the scenic route! CD is really for hard for me, not the eating part but i find it quite an emotional diet so having an evening off recharges my batteries and gets me going again. plus, if i make healthy choices like chicken and veg i find it has also made me re-think what i eat.

i hope you all have good losses - when do you get weighed?

bummer about being in the hotel! how about a ss+ meal? I did it this week from sun-wed and still lost. you can order up a room service chicken salad, or plain green salad and take your own coleslaw. i think i will continue to ss+ when occasions demand it as it is fab.

good luck girls and i'll speak to you tomorrow!
hi girls - one litre down and on to a hot choc. hoping to have a good day today! how are you all getting on?
Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day .....!!!

I'm in a pretty good mood today. Had a major panic when my cdc said I could go yesterday instead of Monday. 2 days early + I'd been glugging all day (and I was wearing jeans instead of the lightest clothes I can get way with in the freezing cold!) I stood on the scales with my eyes closed and nearly fell off them when she said I'd lost 4lbs!!!! :happy036:

Guess what I did to celebrate ... yep, I went out for a meal! BUT, it was my cdc who told me to do it. My mum & dad are here (rare babysitting opportunity), it's coming up to my totm, I've had a really stressful week (v poorly dog, etc,) I was feeling kinda hormonal and perched on the edge of a 'cheat.' So, she said - 'look - you're doing really well. This diet is hard & we all need to have a bit of a life. Go out, go easy on the carbs, enjoy it & start SS again tomorrow.'

Now, do they sound like words of wisdom or what?

So, that's exactly what I did. I won't describe what I had, but I was relatively 'good' & I'm back today feeling much better.

So Leeds I can see how your system works for you. I don't think I'm strong enough to have meals at home just yet though - you must have some willpower girl! I think that's a good idea for ss+ when I'm away. I've got some emergency tetras and I don't need to do any eating with colleagues like last time , so I'm hopeful I'll be oK.

I'm doing a fortnightly weigh-in this time, so we'll se how that goes.

Hope you're all doing well and having a great weekend.
Hiya girlies,

Well done Leeds, 3lbs is excellent!!

and excellent Jessie, 4lbs with Jeans!! lol marvellous result.

Hi Irene, no results for me yet.. day 5 today and getting weighed on Tuesday.
jessie - well done on the loss. my CDC is like yours and very non judgemental. she says that a lot of people adapt it to their lives and its the ones who adapt it that stick with it the longest. My cdc said that she thought that people who gave up were usually people on ss 100% and did not realise that there was an ss+ option. i know some people think emails about food demotivate others but i think its interesting to know how others deal with it and adapt it.

its my first day back at work and have drunk nearly 2 litres (although its so cold, had a hot choc for brekkie and now having red bush tea with a bar (I struggle finishing them). then a hot choc when i get home. no formal weigh in this sat but am still hoping to lose and do well. hows everyone today????