16 Stone to 12 Stone 5lb - only another 2 Stone to go!

You've done an amazing job! WOW!
You look amazing!
I had to keep flicking from one picture to the other to check it was really the same person
You look soooooooooo different
Well done
Thank you for all these lovely comments. It's just the tonic when I'm feeling blue. I posted to show people it can be done. I'm not super woman or special. I just followed the plan and slowly it came off. Some do it quick, some take their time. I also gave up smoking and that was tough at the same time as losing weight. We can all do it.!!

Thanks again to everyone who's taken the time to post a comment! Xx
Wow, I'm so motivated now by looking at your incredible achievement! You've done amazingly, well done! x
You look amazing, what a transformation. Looking forward to the next photo.
u look amazing! Well done xx
wow, well done!! you look fab
these photos are great you look really amazing - how do you add photos....
you look fantastic Becks - looking forward to seeing the final result - you are a great inspiration x
You honestly don't look like the same person. The difference in your face is massive . Welldone so far you must be so proud of yourself .