ProPoints 17th times a charm!!!

Oh Brona I am jealous of Banshee Bones.. YUM YUM.. Haven't had them in YEARS....

They're salt n vinegar corn snack type crisps.. YUM YUM YUM

Blimey I thought they were a Typo, they actually exist! X
Awwww Bless You! It's been me and my daughter for 5 and a half years and we are both very set in our ways! X

Great Menu but one question, what on earth is Banshee Bones?!? And tut tut for skipping Brekkie! X PS-What are u using your last 2pp on? X

They're crisps. Corn crisps as opposed to potato chips. Salt and vinegar flavour. They're what we used to call 10p crisps. :)
Unfortunately I don't usually eat breakfast on my days off. I have to go to gym first thing or I won't go. I really won't. So I go before food and it just happened that by time I got out of gym today I was due a beauticians appt but had brought my salad with me and ate it before I went in.
Just had a couple of lollipops so I'll call it quits. :D
They're crisps. Corn crisps as opposed to potato chips. Salt and vinegar flavour. They're what we used to call 10p crisps. :)
Unfortunately I don't usually eat breakfast on my days off. I have to go to gym first thing or I won't go. I really won't. So I go before food and it just happened that by time I got out of gym today I was due a beauticians appt but had brought my salad with me and ate it before I went in.
Just had a couple of lollipops so I'll call it quits. :D

I reckon they must be like our Chipsticks? As those are Salt and Vinegar Corn Crisps. Ill let u off the Breakfast then ;-) I can't function without my Breakfast, do u find working out on an empty stomach ok? U don't feel dizzy or lightheaded? X
I reckon they must be like our Chipsticks? As those are Salt and Vinegar Corn Crisps. Ill let u off the Breakfast then ;-) I can't function without my Breakfast, do u find working out on an empty stomach ok? U don't feel dizzy or lightheaded? X

No, I'm very conscious of how I feel after I work out and always have a banana with me. And I have low blood pressure but I find as long as I'm hydrated from nite before and obviously drink during and after I find I'm grand.

We have chipsticks here aswel. Ya same flavour just fatter chips... and lower points for pack which is why I focus towards them :) Love crisp! :D
Oh Brona I am jealous of Banshee Bones.. YUM YUM.. Haven't had them in YEARS....

They're salt n vinegar corn snack type crisps.. YUM YUM YUM

Oh I love them. I think they're the only ‘10p‘ crisps that still taste like they used to (and shud). Alot of the other ones changed the oil to healthier ones and reduced the ‘fake‘ flavourings. It ruined them. :(
Oh I love them. I think they're the only '10p' crisps that still taste like they used to (and shud). Alot of the other ones changed the oil to healthier ones and reduced the 'fake' flavourings. It ruined them. :(

Do you get space raiders in Ireland? They're out 10p crisps they're lush. Come in pickled onion and roast beef.
Do you get space raiders in Ireland? They're out 10p crisps they're lush. Come in pickled onion and roast beef.

They sound familiar but don't see them now anyway-maybe years ago. Not beef flavour tho.
Mmmm crisp..... :D (I'm in bed and I'd still love some) :D
No, I'm very conscious of how I feel after I work out and always have a banana with me. And I have low blood pressure but I find as long as I'm hydrated from nite before and obviously drink during and after I find I'm grand.

We have chipsticks here aswel. Ya same flavour just fatter chips... and lower points for pack which is why I focus towards them :) Love crisp! :D

Aren't Bananas fab? They are great for the Potassium after you work out too, particularly with your low BP. X have u ever heard of these Tablets u put in your Water? They are 0Cal but really help when u workout, I used to use them all the time when I was going to the Gym. X

Do you get space raiders in Ireland? They're out 10p crisps they're lush. Come in pickled onion and roast beef.

I love Space Raiders, 12 Packs in Iceland for £1 is best deal I've found! X
Aren't Bananas fab? They are great for the Potassium after you work out too, particularly with your low BP. X have u ever heard of these Tablets u put in your Water? They are 0Cal but really help when u workout, I used to use them all the time when I was going to the Gym. X

That's cool bout bananas. I'll happily eat one when I'm leaving and more water.
Havnt heard of tablets? What are they?
Best thing you can consume after a work out is milk, full fat milk. It's got the same goodness of tomatoes, pineapples, bananas and all the rest of the super foods. It's great for muscle repair.

If Serenas talking about those berocca tablets, I used to take them and they make your wee bright orange then someone told me about all the chemicals in them so I stopped taking them.
I think they are called High 5 Zero? They just help u replenish the bits u lose when u sweat etc.
Ooo I'll have a look at those.

I used to get mine online, only worked out about 10p a drink I think so cheaper than other ones. X
I think they are called High 5 Zero? They just help u replenish the bits u lose when u sweat etc.

Aw cool. Will have a look out for them. :D