1st slim and save week almost done!

Aww thanks HB im struggling today also, im working on the gourmet chocolate department today:(
Agh! I always used to say that working with food would turn me off it (until I got a job in a Burger place when I was at school and gained about a stone Haha)
What do you do for a living? I don't like chocolate but the mini eggs are calling to me :( I've felt hungry this week which is strange as I've stuck to plan.
I work in a department store i was put in gifts to cover for lack of staff so was surrounded by sweets. Love mini eggs also they're so good. Think ill have a mint chocolate bar for my 4th pack maybe or chocolate shake.
Day 16

Been at work today I'm absolutely shattered so much running about.
I've had original oatmeal then beef curry noodle soup although my third was 4 cheese pasta i had to add pepper and salt to stomach it although nothing is as bad in my opinion as the carbonara.
After being surrounded by chocolate i need some myself so i think I'll either have chocolate shake or a mint bar yum
Ugh the carbonara is filth and the four cheese pasta isn't much better! I'm having a chocolate orange bar I love them, but the kids are taking ages to go to sleep :(
Im gonna have to sell them on ebay cant stand them and no one seems to want them on swap shop.
I sold mine and they will never darken my kitchen again :D
Where are you based Happybunny?
Ahhh not a million miles away then.
Dunno why when you said you didnt live in the uk i thought you probably lived in america happybunny
Day 17

Its been a beautiful yorkshire countryside day up here not a cloud in the sky :)
Spent much of today outside, took the puppy out for a very long walk which was nice then spent the rest of the day in the garden
My OH was away most of the day so i spent with the puppy it was nice to have some time doing nothing really i did all the clothes washing all out on the line. I know super exciting day haha

Pack 1 cappuccino shake
pack 2 vanilla shake
pack 3 mild curry
pack 4 chocolate shake

had the chocolate shake a little different i tried making it into chocolate pudding added a bit too much water but still gorgeous yum definitely making the pudding properly next time :D
Sounds nice have you tried the mousse maker?
Day 18

Yesterday was mega busy went to town to collect my new phone eeek I actually have a phone that works! I spent 2 hours setting it up took ages but worth it. Ive also ordered myself a fitbit charge after being inspired by HappyBunny with her stepping.
It'll be interesting to wear it at work to see how many I do could break it though on a busy understaffed day though you just end up running all over the place but I should be getting that in 2 weeks so can't wait for that!:greenapple:

Then took the puppy for a 3 mile round trip walk and just let her run around like crazy haha

Went to the gym and mainly did stepper omg this wears me out more than anything even running isnt as bad its like going up a tower block of flats its knackering.:faint2:
Then focused on my arms and obliques with weights especially my wings:0icanfly:was so tired when i got home i had a lifestyle day so had my low carb meal after the gym.

pack 1 strawberry shake
pack 2 vanilla shake
LC chicken and broccoli (im so boring i could eat this all the time)
pack 3 chocolate shake hot pudding style

total kcal 642
total carb 44.40
total pro 79.10
Sorry for not updating last night I was just far to tired plus internet was down but I've fixed it now :pcwhack:
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Day 19 part 1

Its been a glorious 3 sunny days here, today has been a wonderful day so far my parents came up to visit for a few hours which was lovely as I dont get to see them very often maybe every 6 weeks if I'm lucky as they live so far away down nearby london. They came with me and the boyf to see the 2 houses we're considering buying so exciting:party0011: so it was nice to see what they thought on them.

Then we went back to mine and I made everyone some tasty tiger rolls filled with different tasty filling it was so tempting :drool: but I resisted and had a small turkey salad instead which was lovely but not as nice as those roles.

So today I'm having another lifestyle day as I wanted to be able to share a meal with my parents rather than feeling antisocial which you can kind of feel on the simplicity plan.

The boyf is out at the pub now thank god no more football, honey i love you but 3 hours of sport is too much he has been absorbed in football and the grand national today I just can't stand the sky soccer saturday you're not watching any games only 6 old blokes talking about bits and pieces of games?!
So I'm catching up on Greys, Scandal and the 100 :gimi:

Today I've had so far

Pack 1 Strawberry shakes
LC Small Turkey salad
Pack 2 Vanilla shake

I plan on having later

LC Chicken and Broccoli
Pack 3 Mint choc bar

Expected kcal 667.70
Expected carb 51.80
Expected pro 73.38
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Thanks happybunny :thankyou: