1st slip up


Sigh! Knew this new-found will power was too good to last!

Went to Aunt's house (a feeder if ever there was one), and I managed to get away with eating a bowl of her lentil soup and a slice of cheesecake:cry:

However, back home and determined to stick in there, so I am having some pickled garlic and a treat glass of diet lemonade.

Can't wait for WI on Tue though! Really still hoping for a good result, despite the cheesecake!

dont worry hun just forget about it,
i too had a slip yesterday due to the boyfriend eating a really nice looking pizza and had two small slices when i wasnt even hungry but todays another day and im back on track
sunday is the worst day for any diet i think
Add some Maltesers to the cheesecake - curses! OK, going to bed soon so can't cram any more crap into my chops!

Tomorrow is another day!
Hi all - I'm sure we'll all most certainly slip up from time to time (I know I will at some point!), we're only human and one or two little lapses isn't the end of the world or the diet. As you say Linzois, tomorrow is another day and it's just a case of drawing a line under it and starting a fresh.
hiya, i know ive said this before and no doubt ill say it again but we are all human people have been tempted way back from the bible for frig sake lol so dont worry too much just as others have said get up tomorrow and start afresh, the worst thing you an do is say 'stuff it' just forget about today and look in the grand spectrum compared to what we are all used to eating we are all doing amazing!
Before I started this plan, I emptied my cupboards. i took everything that would be 'restricted or disallowed' on this and gave it to my sis ( she has 3 kids and they loved raiding through my food supplies to see what goodies lay within!) LOL. So, now everytime I feel hungry or find myself staring into the larder or fridge...i only see things that I am technically 'allowed'.