2 months till the wedding..can i lose some inches!?

back from my visit down south.

(food talk)

On Thursday & Friday I had my packs, along with a light chicken salad both days. Saturday I bought a salad pack from Tesco and ate it before I went around my friends. I found it really odd that nearly all the salad packs I could find came with either cous cous or pasta, never noticed that before! I really had to hunt for a low fat one.

On Saturday night I drank lots of vodka and coke zero. :party0016: I was pouring my own measures to begin with but before long they were being poured by someone else.. and then I was seeing double and couldn't even see the words on singstar lol. It didn't take much! I puked, drank lots of water and then felt normal again! It was a fantastic night (minus being sick:yuk:) and I wouldn't change it. :D Looking forward to the next one.

Sunday we went out for lunch that hadn't been planned. I tried to have a starter a long with everyone else and a main, I just about managed. The feeling afterwards was not fun I was so bloated and thinking back I don't know why I had both! I had Chicken & Pepper skewers and then a salmon salad for main.

Monday came around and by this time I was feeling very bloated! We had a trip to Southampton to make. On this day I I was having my packs but then that evening hubby2be got word he had secured a business deal and we celebrated with a meal (chicken & bacon (eek) salad) & champagne :party0036:

I have had my weigh in this morning and so far put on 2lbs. Whether that will increase on my weigh in next Monday I have no idea, I suppose it depends how good I am getting back on track in the next 4 days and how much water i drink. I'm back on plan today and just looking forward to the next 2 weeks now.

I had my final fitting last week for my dress and it is so comfortable now :) So pleased I have done cambridge. I always knew these hen weekends would be difficult but I seem to have managed and so far not had the massive gain I was expecting. I know next week I may gain again.. but to be honest I'd be regretting it more if I hadn't relaxed this weekend.