20 somethings

It's perfect logic! Haha. In all seriousness, it'll just be checking my bank balance after moving that'll determine it, and whether or not i can get away with stealing my parent's one (doubtful)

It is just the nose one that hurt. This means my son has kissed it (ew and ow, it is just a lurker so just red and owwy though) pinched my whole nose and hit me in the face with a plastic giraffe. It's like a beaming target for him. Git.

Emily, we need to see your blue footed booby dance. Well done on trying to kill your fella though. I once did it to my ex with peanuts... serves him right for being allergic to EVERYTHING and not carrying an epi-pen.
hahaha Fran LOVE IT!! xx
My friend bought an ActiFry when they first came out and he absolutely loves it. How do people use it for SW? I take it you can't pour in a load of Fry Light...

I don't think the BFB dance will translate as we'll in photographs! John would eat everything in sight and has stocked up on those microwave sponge puddings in various flavours. It's just so cruel!!

Fortunately my mum is still abroad because she's as subtle as a housebrick. She has drawn attention to just about every outbreak I've ever had and will insist on asking 20 questions about it! Preferably when we're in front of the whole family and a few strangers for good measure! I might have to crack out the facemask I got for Christmas - but it's chocolate scented!
AHAHA, I doubt you will be able to lick it off! Where's your mum at?

Youtube the dance? it'd be amazing. haha.

The one we have is a phillips airfryer. They're great, it's a little wee drawer, we popped in a little tin and made flabbers potato pie thing in it, chicken kiev etc most often chips chips chips. they're amazing. so I just heat it up, pop whatever in (e.g. chips) spray it with frylight (don't pour it in!) and away you go. You reminded me of Des, an old man at my group (he's been target for years) he went out of target once and said he couldn't work out why, paused then said, well the spray nozzle of his frylight wouldn't work so he'd been pouring it! We all roared with laughter as our consultants head nearly fell off in shock. SO funny!
Haha! Brilliant! We had the full New Members talk tonight and our consultant told us about a woman that thought she could have a healthy B choice from every page in the section! She was having an extra 18 syns a day!

The number of people that think they're doing it right and then it turns out they're having an unmeasured bowl of Country Crisp topped with pouring yoghurt and a pint of orange juice for breakfast just baffles me!
HAHAHA, brilliant! I just told mum and she was laughing too. My dad said to me earlier today he needs to get back on track. he doesn't really do full sw, and has cornflakes every morning, but he loses weight very fast so we leave him to it. BUT we have espresso cups that measure exactly 35g of oats (so handy!) mum and I use that for us (and nate). I have some small cups (at least 4 times the volume of the espresso cups) and dad used one of them for himself... a couple of days later mum saw him use a full size MUG to measure his oats out with!!! hilarious.

Jenna... Jenna.... More FOUR
Haha girls you do make me laugh!!

Just got off the phone from OH and official moving in date is 1st Feb :-D soo god damn exciting!!!!! Xxx
I swear its a medical miracle, fran!

Eek that will fly in Laura :) super chuffed for you!

I'm wide a frikkin wake and my tummy is making some dodgy noises :(

It sure will!! Soo much to do between now and then though!

The OH came to bed in the early hours - having been asleep for a while I went to get up and ready for the day (feeling super tired), before checking my phone and realising it was 1.15 in the morning! So tired today.

I have grand plans for dinner tonight, but I don't know how to implement them... The OH's mum bought us 3 mini Le Creuset casserole dishes for Christmas which I fancy using tonight. I have a tonne of fat free fromage frais in the fridge (why do they put it in such huge tubs?!) so I was thinking of making some mini creamy chicken casseroles (chicken, stock, whatever veg I can find and then stir in some ff at the end?) and a sort of SW-friendly potato gratin/dauphinois type thing? I'm thinking par boil the potato, slice and layer with fromage frais and my HexA of cheese and a bit of garlic? I have no idea on cooking times or whether it will actually work. Any thoughts, my culinary godesses?

Off to my first meeting of the year. Yay...