2012 - Non-Food Goals


Full Member

Christmas is over- and whilst I did over indulge I was not as bad as I was last year, though still a little afraid to step on the scales.

The Xmas season isn't over for me either. I've got 3 more xmassy parties to attend and then NYE doo, so I'm back on Xen and dieting from January 1st 2012 (maybe the 2nd, depending on how bad the hangover is).

So my next weigh in is on January 1st...then every week after that.

But I always find I'm super successful in weight loss when I keep my mind off food (as much as I can) and keep myself busy. So I've made some Non-Food Goals too:

> To do some form of exercise for half an hour or more everyday (Kinect / Cross Trainer / Walk / Jog etc)

>To focus on my Open University Degree

> To try and save up for a deposit on a mortgage (in the process kicking the handbag and shoe addiction).

> Spend more time getting to know the city I've just moved too.

>Keep My Blog updated

>Improve My Spanish

What about yours?
Oooh fab post honey..... Hmmmm let me think then.....

Right well number one is I have to get fitter as I am RUNNING the race for life this year in memory of my Aunt who passed away in July. Am running with a friend who recently lost her mum too. Plan to start training mid January as need to wait til I can get my proper running shoes... Am also hoping our step-niece will sell me her exercise bike, she hasn't used it since she bought it in Sept for £120 & only wants £50 for it so if she will wait til payday on the 15th I have said I will have it - keep your fingers crossed for me lol

Secondly I want to get a rota in place to keep on top of things in the house, I always feel like there are things that should be done more often that don't get done....

I think finally its to be happy with my lot, I am a lucky girl & I need to remember that no-ones life is perfect no matter how much they pretend it is!

I know its early but Happy New Year all x
Good idea. I think I put most of mine on the 2012 post as part of the same thing but I'll try and think of separate ones :

In the immortal words of whatsisname -

I'll be back !! :)

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well i want to stop smoking for one! i dont smoke a lot im not a 20 a day girl but smoke about 10 a day .

to get more confidence in myself and try and get over my anxiety .

there my goals at the moment :) xx
Ok for now I want to scheme a couple of things I should have done this year but ran out if time as usual.

1. Do more on my family tree
2. Put my youngest daughters photos in an album. I've been procrastinating for years - she's nearly 14 :) and the others are done - oops - so she feels left out
3. Include exercise into my weekly routine - I shouldn't be as busy this year so it should be doable
4. Work through the book that aims to help you change the 4 areas if your life so that you are balanced.

Maybe more later

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Great post!

As well as posting in here more (hehe, I'm rubbish, I know) I want to:

- Figure out a skin care regime and stick with it!

- drink more water & get more sleep!

- go to the gym at least 3 times per week... Don't know how long this one will last, but I joined this afternoon! xx
Skin care regime- check out lizearle.com. It's the best skin care stuff I've ever used. I won't touch anything else . I've used it for 10 years and now my daughters do too. It's natural no chemicals. Wins awards year after year. Sorry I know I sound like a zealot and maybe I am but you'll not regret it :)

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Good luck everyone...

I am going to join the new Life Centre and get fit

I am going to finish my AAT qualification (6 months til I'm technician qualified)

And I am definitely going to stop spending and pay off my credit card lol!
I used to watch her on qvc advertising it years ago & if it makes you look as good as her it's worth a try hey lol x
Its fantastic stuff

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The ones I forgot to add...

I bought a bike so I am going to learn to ride it before I go to Center Parcs in February (last time I tried to learn I broke my collar bone :cry:)

I am going to get a new job!