2012 starter pack


Full Member
Where would the best (& cheapest) place to get hold of the new and most current starter pack without joining? I wouldn't go pack to my local SW even if I was paid as I really detested the consultant THAT much ad there is not another group nearby that isnt run by her. I've tried eBay but they are at least £20 x
sully123 said:
Where would the best (& cheapest) place to get hold of the new and most current starter pack without joining? I wouldn't go pack to my local SW even if I was paid as I really detested the consultant THAT much ad there is not another group nearby that isnt run by her. I've tried eBay but they are at least £20 x

Surely whether you like the consultant or not, if you want the most uptodate info, it is by far the cheapest and best way to get it. Just pop in, sign up, collect your things and leave! Simples
Yeah I know, that was going to be my next step. Luckily someone on Facebook has offered me one for £5 x