2013 Diary Here we go.......................

just starting 5th week and sods law...... down with the flu, had to force meals down yesterday and today taking me to drink. Bouillon has been a saviour yet again. I'm giving in and taking some night nurse need the sleep, wonder what the carb hit is for that lol.
eek just googled night nurse liquid has 72 cals 13.5 carbs per 20ml liquid . oh well having it tonight then change to capsules for tomorrow... cant bear another sleepless night.
Aww you poor thing! Hope you feel better soon!

love sarah xxx
How are you feeling hun? x
thanks sarah and nefertari so kind of you to look in. Beginning to get back on my feet, afraid diet has went to pot just been having something when I could stomach it. Have tried to stay with protein and veg but not kept up with packs. Oh and have had sugar free lozenges for my throat and night nurse that was a shock whats in it. Oh well will start being more strict once over this hump, we'll see the damage of it all at weigh on on Thursday.:sick:
Thanks Nefertari, have felt a good bit better today and managed 3 packs so turning the corner now.... Onwards and downwards
Hope you don't mind me popping in, I started last Wednesday and have lost 4lb so far which I'm happy with. Loving everything so far, new favourite is hot hazlenut shake.......

You're doing really well especially having been so poorly xx
Not at all Little Miss feel free to pop in any time, I work shifts though and don't always get on every day but get here eventually........
You're doing well also, I only have that huge weight loss at the beginning because there's so much more of me lol
Glad you're enjoying the s&s apart from this hiccup with the flu I have been enjoying it too. can't believe its been over a month without bread and choccy and cakes etc
love your motto by the way
Well Week 5 a 3lb loss, pleased with that as have not been 100% on the diet this week what with the flu and Night Nurse and antibiotics.
Hoping to be back on track this week and everything goes back to normal.
Well done you! I hope you're feeling better now.... Cake....... Miss Cake.......... then there's choc truffa bar....
Week 6 1lb loss sighhhhhhhhhh
Don't know if its due to flu week or adding in protein and veg this week
Any way going to keep going and hope it all evens out in the wash
Week 7 - 2lbs off would be a bit disappointed except there's definite movement in clothes size.
Loving trying on smaller sizes in the wardrobe and discovering they fit again.
And more importantly feel great, bags of energy and def not hungry again.
So onwards and downwards........
Hi Nefertari
just back last night from short break away, went prepared with packs and intentions to eat only protein .....
Then proceeded to eat dinner with pudding and wine first night, fry up next morning and on and on and on....
On the plus side could only eat small amounts just wasn't room for it but oh my god the taste- licks lips
Anyway done and dusted now back on packs only and starting night shifts again should keep me on track and get me back into ketosis
just wished I had planned the break then wouldn't feel the guilt. Sneaky look have def put on and feel very bloated.
Ah well time to knuckle down again....
Things going good with you I hope?
late weigh in as was night shift...
Ah well paying the price for those days off plan 4lb on
So unfair how quickly it goes on but takes ages to come off grrrr
Any way 100 % yesterday 4 shakes plan to do that for week
Onwards and downwards