2015 and It's Now or Never!

Monday 9th February 2015

Quite disappointed that having gone down to 190lbs the other day I am now just the same as last week 192.4 but determined I'm not giving up anyway.

I was delighted that I thought I had found the receipt for the Humax Digi box in my bedroom and took it back to Argos only to find that it was the receipt for the digi box in the sitting room which I bought in Dec 2013 ...Never the less I did manage to find the email of the order that was put thro' in Nov 2014 so I can print that off and hopefully get a replacement.
Morrisons for lunch but no roast chicken so had chicken tikka with rice instead. Couldn't eat much as it was too spicy and that doesn't agree with me altho' it did make a nice change.

Breakfast - Oats 30g + Bran 5g + Acacia Honey 7g
Lunch - Chicken Tikka + Naan Bread (1/2 meal eaten)
Snack - Brazil Nuts 30g
Dinner - Bacon 50g + Bread 36g + Butter 8g
Supper - Liberte Strawberry Yogurt 100g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1070 Carbs 108 SatFat 15 Protein 52 Sodium 966 Fibre 11

Friday 13th February 2015

It's been very disappointing to find that I have not had any visits from anyone on here but perhaps because no one likes talking to a granny!.. Not to worry.. I'll continue to muse over things myself after all it's one of the results of living alone.. one gets quite used to talking to ones self! :giggle:
Fact is I've had a couple of very bad days with my back pain problem so the diet has gone a bit up the creek and snacking was the only way to proceed. Yesterday was much better and today I've been back on track.. thank goodness!

Argos came and collected the faulty digi box and sent a replacement so very pleased with that. I still have to get it out of the box and install it as I do the panel heater that I ordered for my bathroom which was delivered on Monday and still awaits unpacking.

Breakfast - Fruit Scone + Butter
Lunch - Tesco Pork Pie
Snack - Digestive Biscuits 2
Dinner - Cheese 50g + Egg hardboiled 1 + Mash 25g + Salad + S.Cream 30g
Supper - Rachel's Yogurt 120g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1350 Carbs 112 SatFat 34 Protein 50 Sodium 1721 Fibre 6
Hi Emm

It's been very quiet on the site all round since I got back - I am trying very hard to post each day as part of my "back to basics" plan to repeat my first attempt at vlcd and will try harder to drop in. I hope you are feeling a bit better this morning, I had been suffering a lot with both my hip and knee (probably the real motivation for returning to plan to be honest). Still sore this morning but a bit better probably a combination of a few pounds off and the exercise I have been taking instead of lying in or on the bed reading books. Hope you have a good weekend.
Hi Emm - looks like you have your paranoid hat on again chica :8855:
Life gets in the way sometimes and there are days when all I do is check my own fred and just don't have time to post elsewhere.
And even then, I don't get the chance to reply to everyone's post - although I do try most of the time but I am often very remiss.
It's not 'cos you're a granny that I "ignore" you. I don't just ignore you - I ignore lots of my other Minis mates as well.

Hope you are having a better day and enjoying your C&W music.
Saturday 14th February 2015

Thanks for the visits ladies.. and the comment about my being a granny was meant in a whimsical way Bev altho' I do get your drift. My lapsing into a paranoia state is very true however and is very much due to the fact of having schizophrenia and depression running in my family... not an easy thing to shake off especially when health matters weaken the resolve... No matter I shall press on!

Very wakeful night, no problems otherwise but eventually I thought I should try to get some sleep and went to bed only to toss and turn for a couple of hours and decided I may as well get up again. That was quite okay and come 8.30 I turned on the radio in preparation to hear the C&W music and promptly fell asleep.. Woke up at 11.45 .. At least I did have some sleep.

Installed my new Humax digi box in the bedroom.. no hum..Yay! ..and all's well!

Can't say as much as to the diet altho' counts are OTT again! :eek:

Breakfast - Tesco Pork Pie 110g
Lunch - Bread 34g + Cheese 31g + Tomato Cup-a-soup
Snack - Double Chocolate Gateaux 100g
Dinner - Bread 34g x 2 + Ham 43g + Beetroot 50g + Butter 8g + L.Cow Cheese Spread 1
Supper - Rachel's Raspberry & Cranberry Yogurt 120g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1641 Carbs 148 SatFat 37 Protein 58 Sodium 2557 Fibre 15
Sunday 15th February 2015

Quite an uneventful day apart from being still very cold which I am just soo fedup with!

Breakfast - Banana
Lunch - Bacon 65g + Bread 34g + Butter 7g + Daddie's Sauce 4g
Snack - Orange large 1 + Pork Pie 1
Dinner - [STRIKE]Pork Pie 110g + B.Sprouts 79g + Carrot 65g + Mash 30g + Tom. Ketchup 30ml[/STRIKE]L.Cow Cheese 2 + Multigrain Crackers 8
Supper -[STRIKE] Brazil Nuts 30g[/STRIKE]Rachel's Yogurt 120g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

[STRIKE]Cals 1284 Carbs 125 SatFat 33 Protein 54 Sodium 2347 Fibre 17
Cals 1340 Carbs 145 SatFat 29 Protein 48 Sodium 2331 Fibre 15
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Morning Emm

My Mum used to pay a C&W CD until she fell asleep at night and it worked every time. Mind you, I used to think if I listened to some of the stuff (in those days) I would have ended up crying :)

Hope you are back on track with the diet,

nelli X
Afternoon Emm - I know what you mean about the cold. It's been freezing here this year and I've really suffered.
Fingers crossed that Spring is on the way in the UK.
It certainly is here - in fact I was way too hot in bed last night under my fat duvet and padded throw!
Now that's unusual for me to say as I'm a coldie in bed.
Tuesday 17th February 2015

Thanks for the visits ladies.
Lovely sunny day and altho' it's still cold it does make such a difference to feeling much better.

It was another STS on my WI yesterday but thankfully not a gain.

I had thought about going swimming today and wondered whether the exercise would be beneficial but as my back has been quite painful these last few days I decided to give it a miss for now... I know part of it is that I have lost my confidence about being seen in a swimsuit.

Finished my little patchwork place mat...
Place Mat 001.jpg

Nothing much to look at but it is my first patchwork attempt.

Trying to use up all the stuff in my freezer before it gets burnt so made a spag bol with some minced beef and a jar of Ragu sauce plus 2 large onions and served with lettuce and a tomato... and very tasty it was too.
Carbs just a bit higher than I wanted them to be .. must make better choices tomorrow.

Breakfast - Oats 30g + Bran 5g + Honey Acacia 7.5g
Lunch - Chicken Soup-in-a-Mug + Bread 31g + Butter 5g
Snack - Milk SS 120ml + Decaf Coffee 0.5Teaspn + Sugar 5g
Dinner - Spaghetti Bol (homemade) + Spaghetti wholemeal 75g + Lettuce & Tomato
Supper -[STRIKE] Brazil Nuts 30g[/STRIKE] Rachel's Yogurt 120g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals [STRIKE]1340[/STRIKE]1292 Carbs [STRIKE]137[/STRIKE] 150 SatFat [STRIKE]23 [/STRIKE] 21 Protein [STRIKE]60[/STRIKE] 61 Sodium[STRIKE] 2007 [/STRIKE] 2048 Fibre [STRIKE]19[/STRIKE] 18
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Well done on finishing the patchwork Emm - it's not an easy art.
Mum took it up in her early 70's when she didn;t knwo how to sew by hand or on maching and she made some lovely things.
6 beatiful cushions that she had in her lounge and she made me a big padded mat to use on the dining table for hot dishes.
She promised me a bedspread for a kingsize bed - but found it just too big to cope with so turned it into a cot throw!
It was beautiful.
How does it today Emm?
It's blumin' cold here with a freezing cold wind again.
And it looked so promising this morning as there were bright blue skies - but now very cloudy and looking like rain.
How does it today Emm?
It's blumin' cold here with a freezing cold wind again.
And it looked so promising this morning as there were bright blue skies - but now very cloudy and looking like rain.

It's been really sunny and quite a lot milder.. so my home help told me..Not been outside at all myself today.

Wednesday 18th February 2015

Up rather late but at least I got a good sleep for a change with only a couple of loo visits.
I've actually resorted to sleeping on my settee again as there is a large vent in the top of the wall in the bedroom and I can feel a really icy draught from there which sweeps over my face and I end up with headaches in the morning.... just another from my list of ailments!

Received a water cartridge for my under sink filter system but turns out I have to practically dismantle the majority of the pipe in order to fit it.. plus tbh it doesn't seem to be the same weight as the ones I had before so I think it's most probably filled with some of this new fangled stuff as there's no description of the contents. Sent them an email to request a return which they are quite happy to do... great.
Very annoying that I can't get the proper ones.

Food pretty good today so pleased that counts are slightly better.

Breakfast - NIL
Lunch - Bacon baked 68g + Eggs poached 2
Snack - Digestive Biscuits 2
Dinner - Spaghetti Bolognaise homemade + Spaghetti 85g + Lettuce and Tomato
Supper - Rachel's Yogurt 120g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1306 Carbs 114 SatFat 20 Protein 74 Sodium 2463 Fibre 12
Thursday 19th February 2015

Another sunny day but very cold... and another night much of a muchness!

Woke up about 10.30 and thought I might be able to make it to the lunch at the OAP centre but not..
Made a fish pie which was with the purpose of using up some potatoes and it turned out very good I'm pleased to say... altho' in the process which meant steaming the fish, steaming and mashing potatoes and then making white sauce.. used up an horrendous amount of pots and pans..and was made a much longer process due to my having to have my usual 10mins breaks every 20mins or so. Well worth the effort. However unfortunately has made my carbs quite a bit higher than I would like.. :rolleyes:

Breakfast - Oats 30g + Bran 5g + Honey 7g
Lunch - Bread 31g + L.Cow Cheese 1 + Beetroot 30g
Snack - Banana small 1 + Digestive Biscuits 2
Dinner - Fish Pie homemade + Garden Peas 120g
Supper - Rachel's Yogurt 120g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1295 Carbs 165 SatFat 21 Protein 61 Sodium 847 Fibre 21
Morning Emm, I hate cooking but sometimes really please I made the effort. Have a good day x

Must admit I'm the same Nomad.. always seems like such a lot of faffing for just one meal and making anything that will last for more than one day means more faffing around dividing it up to put into the freezer..Am I lazy or what!?! :D

I'm not sleeping well at all Em. Woke up at 1 am Tuesday night/Wedns morning and thought it was time to get up. Last night I slept until 3am, listened to the radio on my earphones and woke up at 7am so that wasn't so bad.
Hard frost first thing, but developed into a mild day. I have a stinking cold so haven't done much at all

I only "liked" your post to let you know I'm glad of your visit Val.

It is awful these restless nights as everything is so magnified and drawn out.. an hour is like forever especially when you have bad cold... Hope it eases off soon.

Friday 20th February 2015

Had my hair done and then went to Tesco for a couple of things and stopped off in Costas for a latte.. all very nice but then had my usual fatigue onset as soon as I got home plus my back had got so bad I took a small dose of morphine and lay on the sofa and slept.. and slept.. and slept! Woke up about 11o'clock, changed into my nightie and went back to bed again! Must say I do feel better for it and I think I most probably caught up with all the lack of sleep over the last week or so.
Glad you've caught up on the sleep Emm - there's nothing worse than being constantly tired.