Weekly weigh in. Mondays

YAY! Well done. That is a great rate of weight loss. :)
so i forgot to post on here last week. had 2 days travelling in Cambridge, eating everything that is off plan. was out for my gfs granny's birthday meal and decided to have a night on the tear too. this resulted in a 2lb weight gain last week.

this week tho, i stuck the head down, exercised a lot and had a 5lb loss this week. delighted to say the least. got my 4 and a half stone award today. 33 weeks in, 65lb down. loving it.

gonna hit it hard this week, try for 5lb next week to get my 5st award. might be pushing it but the following weekend is St. Patrick's weekend (pretty big thing here in Dublin) which means i'm going off plan for the weekend and on the drink. so will be expecting a gain the following week. I can deal with it tho when I enjoy them.

I hope everyone else is doing well too.
Another 2lb off for me last night and my 3st award :)

I've decided to do the scan bran challenge this week. Apparently it's meant to boost your weight loss so worth a try.
Doing amazing :) love seeing all of your awards too :) keep the inspiration coming xx