2015 and It's Now or Never!

Hope this morning finds you feeling a bit better and that you had a good night.

Improving very slowly Carol.. thank you.

Monday 23rd March 2015

As only to be expected I have a gain of 3lb.
Not going to worry about that at the mo'.. I'm tackling this pain thing and it's taking me all my energy to do that.
Pain does drain energy doesn't it? You will deal with the weight when the pain is more manageable. Let's hope for continuing improvement on the pain front.
Monday cont:

I was SOO cold today!

Handy man from the Help the Aged came and put on the two door handles, took a piece off the bottom of the cupboard door and fixed the latch on the bedroom cupboard door..when he came through as he had finished he commented on how hot my sitting room was.. and there's me with a throw over me and right in front of the fire.

Phone call this morning from Stella the lady who runs the sewing group to say that she has laryngitis and is cancelling tomorrow's meet. I was quite relieved as I haven't been able to finish off my little patchwork purse and not feeling up to going out myself anyway especially if the weather continues to be cold like this again.

Breakfast - Alpro Cherry Yogurt 125g + Scone & Butter
Lunch - Chicken Soup-in-a-Mug + Bread 30g + Butter 5g
Snack - Digestive Biscuits 2
Dinner - Turkey slices 65g + Cheese 50g + Salad + Salad Cream 25g
Supper -[STRIKE] Finn Crisps 2 + L.C.Cheese 1[/STRIKE] Alpro Blueberry Yogurt 125g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals [STRIKE]1198 [/STRIKE] 1203 Carbs [STRIKE]112[/STRIKE] 116 SatFat [STRIKE]25[/STRIKE] 23 Protein [STRIKE]54[/STRIKE] 56 Sodium[STRIKE] 2432 [/STRIKE] 2325 Fibre [STRIKE]11[/STRIKE] 10
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Evening Emm - best to stay wrapped up where you are feeling cold.
Are you coming down with a cold or virus? That's when I feel me coldest.

I've been cold all day as well - weather here has turned cold again and it's been raining steadily all day.
What I call English rain - as opposed to the Mediterranean downpours/storms that we can get.
Evening Emm - best to stay wrapped up where you are feeling cold.
Are you coming down with a cold or virus? That's when I feel me coldest.

I've been cold all day as well - weather here has turned cold again and it's been raining steadily all day.
What I call English rain - as opposed to the Mediterranean downpours/storms that we can get.

Just what I thought Bev but thank goodness not.

Very deceiving when indoors it looks so lovely outside with the sun shining but open the window and it was the next thing to an icy gale!

Morning Emm - there is nothing as bad as feeling really chilled, is there? Hope you are feeling better today

Hi Carol.. I was much improved until about 4pm when I must have "upset" my back as I was in agony again and went back to bed a.s.a.p...which was almost immediately!

Wednesday 25th March 2015

Good today..Yay! Makes a difference for me not to start the day off without a pain update...Oops..spoke too soon!..:D

Got ready early to go for my pacemaker check appointment at the N&N and really pleased that for once I got a disabled parking space right near the entrance and then found my app was for yesterday! EEK!
They were very good and saw me anyway which was a relief and I got my app for next year as well.. there's efficiency for you.

Called in at Tesco and bought some runner beans...(yes..I did..) and some grapes..(woohoo!) and thought I'd try a mango which I've already eaten and 'twas very delish..plus pears and cod fillets.. love steamed cod...Feeling quite virtuous..:innocent0002:

Found this very interesting info which my D has posted on FB

World Renowned Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease
Interesting article about heart disease.
I've never been one for using anything but olive oil for cooking as most of the other oils taste foul to me.
Especially the ones like FryLight that many of the diets recommend.
I use olive oil spread as well but have been thinking for ages that when you compare the calories of it to butter there isn't much difference and butter tastes and awful lot nicer so maybe I'll stop buying that and head back to butter.
Have you seen the horrible article which slates margarine and it's contents? I first read it three or four years ago and haven't bought anything other that butter since, though I also use olive oil for cooking. J moaned like crazy when I started doing it but doesn't notice now, and the only time we use vegetable oil is when he is deep frying a turkey.

Glad you are a bit better Emm and hope it continues. Not so nice in Glasgow this morning - at least so far.
Interesting article about heart disease.
I've never been one for using anything but olive oil for cooking as most of the other oils taste foul to me.
Especially the ones like FryLight that many of the diets recommend.
I use olive oil spread as well but have been thinking for ages that when you compare the calories of it to butter there isn't much difference and butter tastes and awful lot nicer so maybe I'll stop buying that and head back to butter.

I did read about it ages ago and stopped using marg then. It did take me a little while to start using olive oil for cooking.. it was more to do with the price but if it's healthier much better to use that.

Have you seen the horrible article which slates margarine and it's contents? I first read it three or four years ago and haven't bought anything other that butter since, though I also use olive oil for cooking. J moaned like crazy when I started doing it but doesn't notice now, and the only time we use vegetable oil is when he is deep frying a turkey.

Glad you are a bit better Emm and hope it continues. Not so nice in Glasgow this morning - at least so far.

It's another of those things we've been led to believe that is not true..
Another good info site

Evidence from randomised controlled trials did not support the introduction of dietary fat guidelines in 1977 and 1983: a systematic review and meta-analysis -- Harcombe et al. 2 (1) -- Open Heart

The Surprisingly Interesting History of Margarine | Mental Floss

Pleased to be able to report the back pain has subsided quite a lot more thankyou Carol.

Thursday 26th March 2015

Beautiful sunny day eventually but it did start off raining for a bit.

I've been finding that having my main meal during the day is much better as I get very tired in the afternoon and it's often too much trouble to get a proper meal cooked in the evening.. and I must say I feel very much better for it.

Made some vegetable soup to use up a lot of things from the fridge and some onions.. smells great and low carb too.

Menus today:
Breakfast - Oats 30g + Bran 5g + Honey 1.5g
Dinner - Eggs hardboiled 2 + Cheese 52g + Salad + S.Cream 20g
Snack - Conference Pear medium 1
Evening - Brown Soda Bread 90g + Butter 8g + Ham 80g + Daddies Brown Sauce 4g
Supper - NIL (?)
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1322 Carbs 100 SatFat 21 Protein 59 Sodium 1767 Fibre 13

Got ready early to go for my pacemaker check appointment at the N&N and really pleased that for once I got a disabled parking space right near the entrance and then found my app was for yesterday! EEK!
They were very good and saw me anyway which was a relief and I got my app for next year as well.. there's efficiency for you.

Called in at Tesco and bought some runner beans...(yes..I did..) and some grapes..(woohoo!) and thought I'd try a mango which I've already eaten and 'twas very delish..plus pears and cod fillets.. love steamed cod...Feeling quite virtuous..:innocent0002:

that was good of them seeing as you had the wrong day! :)
And well done on some different foods - mangos are lovely, one of my fave fruits- just awkward to get just the flesh from them :D

I've been finding that having my main meal during the day is much better as I get very tired in the afternoon and it's often too much trouble to get a proper meal cooked in the evening.. and I must say I feel very much better for it.

They do say....Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince, and Dine like a Pauper..... must be a reason for it :)
Morning Emm - eating at lunch time is supposed to much better for your digestive system.
Glad that the pain is better - having got rid of my tooth ache I am now having serious problems with my shoulder.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr to getting older.
Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince, and Dine like a Pauper..... must be a reason for it :)[/COLOR]

Think I'm addicted to mangos now!
Don't think my menus would tally with that of a king? ..:D ..but I do know what you mean Zafira..

Hi Emm, glad to hear the back pain has subsided. I prefer having my main meal midday too. Enjoy your day x

Thanks Nomad .. Nice to see you.
Today has gone really well.

Morning Emm - eating at lunch time is supposed to much better for your digestive system.
Glad that the pain is better - having got rid of my tooth ache I am now having serious problems with my shoulder.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr to getting older.

Thanks Bev..pain is such an awful thing to have to put up with no matter where it is.
Grrrr to getting older too..or that should be for me.. being old!

Yay to reduced pain - and to home cooked soup - yum :)

Thanks Caroline..Soup tasted great .. really yummy.

Friday 27th March 2015

Good start to the day even tho' I had to start off with taking codeine as well as the other tablets. I wanted to make sure I was okay for this afternoon.

Arrived at hairdressers in good time only to find that my app was for next week..and on Thursday!!! Yikes! She was very good and did my hair anyway even tho' she was very busy.
Then went on to the "Good Old Days" group but getting there 45mins late. There was 8 of us altogether and we had a great discussion about allsorts of things, Catherine gave us a poem to read taking turns which was about trying to diet and I read my poem to them which they all liked. I then suggested reading them my poem about loneliness (I have put on here a couple of times) I wrote it at a time when I was suffering from extreme depression and I do tend to get quite emotional when I read it and I found myself fighting back the tears and trying not to cry as well... felt a bit of an idiot tbh!
Ah well..They did seem to understand so that was okay.

The talkative lady who was at the sewing group was there and was very pleased to see me so that was nice too. She had made great attempts to find a knitting group for me which I thought was very kind of her.

Todays food has gone well altho' carbs are a bit high..

Breakfast - Allbran 35g + Milk SS 120ml
Lunch - Veg Soup homemade + Brown Soda Bread 90g
Snack - Orange medium 1
Dinner - Sausages 2 + Carrots 85g + B.Sprouts 65g + Mash 25g + Gravy
Supper - Alpro Chocolate Dessert 125g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1100 Carbs 159 SatFat 12 Protein 56 Sodium 1846 Fibre 27

Morning Emm - hope all is good this morning. Let me know how you get on with the link and I will send a file over.
Morning Emm - hope all is good this morning. Let me know how you get on with the link and I will send a file over.

Thanks very much Carol..I'll do that tomorrow when I'm a bit more "with it" ! Been a bit dopey today as I've had to take more codeine .. :sigh:

Saturday 28th March 2015

Woke very early and was wide awake at that but as soon as it got to about 9o'clock I fell asleep..lol!
Found out how to do the "listen again" so I can listen to the C&W music whenever.. Yay!

Not done anything at all to speak of apart from putting the rest of my soup in a canister and into the fridge.

Breakfast - Oats 30g + Bran 5g + Honey 7.5g
Lunch - Veg Soup homemade + Brown Soda Bread 40g
Snack - Conference Pear 1 + Orange medium 1 + Digestive Biscuits 2
Dinner - Cod fillet steamed 200g + B.Sprouts 53g + Beans Stringless 85g + Th.Isle Dressing 30ml
Supper - Alpro Chocolate Dessert 125g
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1151 Carbs 160 SatFat 5 Protein 76 Sodium 1118 Fibre 26
Hi Emm,

Good to see your going to a couple of clubs. :)

Been reading but not posting much.Have had a few problems myself but hoping that I'm on the mend. You may of seen on fb.
I looked like a pin cushion when they tried getting this in.

Then 5 days later they had to put another one in my arm.The nurse tried 3 times then gave up.So the Dr took one shot and done it.:)


Hopefully thats the end of it and I can get back to doing normal things again.:)

I was going to "Like" your post Mary but thought it a bit inappropriate!
Gosh! Whatever have they been doing to you?!! .. You must be one of those difficult people with tiny veins..Hope it didn't hurt as much as it looks like it may have!

Sunday 29th March 2015

Still having problems with my back pain.. it woke me up at least 3 times last night.. thank goodness for the Oramorph!

Put some washing in today and as there is no room for my drier in the kitchen I have it in the bedroom and put the hose out of the window.

New 2 2015.jpg (reinstalled picture!)

Weather was nice and sunny and not too cold and then within a couple of minutes it clouded over and started to rain., thundered and lightening and the wind blew like a tornado as if the windows were going to come in! I "rushed" into the bedroom to close the window and then in the next 10-15mins it had all gone...sun came out and lovely again.

Very pleased with my menus today even tho' the carbs are still a bit higher than I want..I hope that I can get in control of that a lot better soon..I am working on it.

Breakfast - Allbran 30g + Milk SS 100ml
Lunch - Veg Soup homemade + Brown Soda Bread 30g
Snacks - Grapes 100g + Decaf Coffee + Milk SS 100ml
Dinner - Cheese 60g + Garden Peas 80g + Mash 25g + Tom Ketchup 15g
Supper - Finn Crisps 3 + L.C. Cheese 1
Extra - Milk SS 240ml

Cals 1105 Carbs 127 SatFat 22 Protein 52 Sodium 1623 Fibre 25
(Why is it that when I delete a photo it comes back as a thumbnail one?!)
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(Why is it that when I delete a photo it comes back as a thumbnail one?!)
Minis does this all the time to me too Emm - drives me nuts. Must be a "glitch" in the forum software.
cavegirl's method is the only way to be 100% sure that it gets deleted.