28lbs to go... Chunky Dunk's Diary

Hi de hi!

I'm back, Spain then Devon for a week with work. Put on 7lb, and it ain't water weight that's for sure!

Everything tight, I'm bloated and my back is aching so I know is horrid fat! Mind you I did drink my own body weight in beer so can't complain :)

How everyone doing? I've missed my minis! Going to spend the day catching up on everyone and all the goss.

I started Cambridge diet yesterday - I've got a months worth, so hoping to lose a stone quick, then get back on juddd. Just want to have a boost and get back on track, then can use my remaining packs for dd's

If no one objects I'll stay on this forum as you're all lovely and I like it here, don't worry tho - I won't bore you with cd talk!

Catch you all later, I'm off to sainsburys xx
right - have fallen spectacularly off CD today... ho hum :)

no bother - I'm gonna juddd it, after reading and being totally inspired by Hans diary, i think i'll do the 5pm - 5pm approach, and fast on DD's. I just have 2 questions

1- would it matter if i did 6pm - 6pm? I did have all good intentions to start my DD at 5pm today, but dinner has been delayed - its roast turkey with all the trimmings, followed by crumble. Would be rude no to partake wouldn't it especially as mums been slaving away over the stove all day

Secondly - is it best not to eat for a while before the official start of a dd - or can I eat right up to 5.59pm? I'm probably overthinking things as usual, i just think its not really 24hr fast if i git a massive sunday din in my tum.

Hope you're all having a good day, I've finally read through all I've missed in the last 4 weeks. now about to sit back and watch Avengers Assemble on dvd, while keeping one eye on minis :) xxx
Day 1 (again)

Going to give midday - midday a go. Starting with an Up till noon, then down day until noon tomorrow.

Starting weight 193.5lb (oopsie)

Will weigh daily for the week and post here

Have a good day all xxx
Chunky Dunk said:
Day 1 (again)

Going to give midday - midday a go. Starting with an Up till noon, then down day until noon tomorrow.

Starting weight 193.5lb (oopsie)

Will weigh daily for the week and post here

Have a good day all xxx

Good luck, Nic! :D

P x

Liking the 12 till 12 - but been a bit bingy this afternoon.

Due on so that might explain it.

Hope everyone has had a groovy day x