3 months Easter Challenge (27th December 2012 - 27th March 2013)

Thanks hun - I did this week as i thought that was the problem. Ive even increased my fluids. Im blaming the tablets ive been on as I cant "go" so now i need more tablets to help that grrrrrrrrr
Urrrghhh, I know how that feels - at least you know the cause and that it can be solved and it's not "fat weight".
Thanks hun - I did this week as i thought that was the problem. Ive even increased my fluids. Im blaming the tablets ive been on as I cant "go" so now i need more tablets to help that grrrrrrrrr
Try some lactulose (if you can take the taste) that usually helps most people to go, I will have to take some of that too by the looks of things x
Thanks hun - I did this week as i thought that was the problem. Ive even increased my fluids. Im blaming the tablets ive been on as I cant "go" so now i need more tablets to help that grrrrrrrrr
Also i have read somewhere drugs particularly painkillers make some people retain water so its probably just water weight and will come off next week plus more x
I text my C yesterday and told her i wasnt looking forward to the scales explained why - went to WI tonight and she asked how I felt - I told her im still convinced its the tablets - the cheeky cow said well tablets dont have calories in them

I could have swatted her and not thought twice
Lol stupid c*w but everytime in our group if someone has been on painkillers they have usually gained and i havent been on painkillers while on sw but while i was on some strong ones after having my 1st daughter i was very bloated so just ignore her it was those naughty tablets x
Codeine is well known for causing constipation grrrrrrrrrrrrr - im determined to have a loss next week even if I have to chop a leg off lol
Hi Rosie - belated Happy New Year - I have not abandoned the challenge. Facing the music tomorrow with a weigh in. Totally lost the plot between Dec 28th and Jan 12th - but I can't change it now just face up to it and get on with it. Will update tomorrow.
Welcome back. Looking forward to seeing your losses.

Can i change mine to 22.5lb to lose please.
past 3 weeks...
-10lb, -1.5lb, +4.5lb... 15.5lb to go x

Thanks xxx
Jess your stats shows you have 22.5 as of yesterday. Would you like me to change them to say you have 15.5 to lose?

Only 0.5 lbs off this week! :(
That is a good loss

sts this week not happy but knew i was over on my sins will try harder this week lol x
Do not give up. It will come off soon.

Come on ladies :) chins up, we can do this :)

Another lb plopped off today. Lost 6lbs so far this month so quite pleased. 2 more weigh ins left and the flab shall be on it's way out!
well done.

I'm down to 12st 3lbs. I really want to be in the 11's by the end of January.
That is a good loss of 4 lbs this week. Could I please request that you let me know how much you have lost each week rather than your weight - that makes it easier for me rather than converting your weight and workout your losses. Sorry to be a pain

Hey Rosie and fello Easter Challengers :) -2 lb for me this week. Really happy with that :)
Well done that is a very good loss

2 1/2 lbs for me this week please Rosie, 7lbs to go :D
Well done. I knew you'd start losing again

I'm wanting to get to target by Easter (5.5lb to go) I realise that I'm too late to join in :p
No problem, I have added you to the list which will be published tomorrow evening

1lb off for me this week!
Well done. you are on a roll - must be DE coffees haha

Gutted - 2lbs on im fed up
Sorry about that. When in that sitaution with tablets I normally have a handful of dried apricots (actually mixed fruits)

Well done everyone. As of tonight we have lost nearly 6 stone 9 lbs. Hopefully the rest of us (including me) can increase that by tomorrow evening.
Texty, have you tried slimatea? They sell it in health food stores & really helps if things are a bit bunged up ;)
Oh and 0.5lb off for me this week again.
2 lbs for me. AMAZING one of my big losses. Normay I lose 1/2 or 1 if I am lucky. Good uck everyone and please let me have your losses by 10.30 this evening so I can update. Have a great day.
Codeine is well known for causing constipation grrrrrrrrrrrrr - im determined to have a loss next week even if I have to chop a leg off lol

Hi testy, I have a bad back problem and am on and off codine tablets all the time and they defo make going a Hugh problem. I always gain when I'm on them as I can't go.

I take a fibergel sachet and it really helps. It's a very mind laxative which just gets your system going not make you over go. It's also syn free on SW.