3 or 4 packs?


Full Member
Is there a difference in weight loss between doing 3 packs per day or 4?
And do people still have veg with 4 packs?
And do people find it easier doing just 4 packs eg food temptation?

I think its a personal thing... some find having protein more convinent... I do this and it means I can go out for meals and things with friends as long as i'm careful about what im consuming. Having 4 packs I havent done on S&S but I did on LL years ago.... in some ways its easier to moniter.... I know im frequently going over my protein allowance somedays
Personally I think it's a good idea to start off with just the packs and no additions to instill the discipline. I did this for 6 weeks. Then I started adding in the veg a couple of days a week, then I had protein and veg at weekends, and now I'm on a protein and veg meal every day. I only have the milk at weekend for my latte treat (I don't drink coffee during the week). I added in something extra each time I felt I needed it. If you start off including everything possible from the start then you have nowhere to go if you want / need something extra :).