**30 and Gorgeous? ... I will be! **

I have a new handbag!!!!!


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sneaks into your house and stealz your bag. its purdy!
does the happy dance with you!

well done :D
Oooh getting nervous bout starting new job 2moro, I'm gonna have to start making more of an effort to be glam in the mornings, no more slinging hair back in a pony and off I go lol!
I have no idea about catering facilities and if there is somewhere for staff to cook food so I'm just gonna wing it 2moro and try and stay on track with whatever is in offer!
howd it go hunny?
you maiing me lol at no takeaways on the way home.

glad its going well so far tho, first days always the worst :)
totally ignores your don't wanna talk about it..what went wrong or is it your body having a mini freakout?
hugs to you either way, i know its frustrating xx
*sigh* I dont really know why i gained...I can only put it down to eating too much wheat at the start of the week. I had lasange at my brothers on the sunday and a baguette in work on the monday and tuesday and the rest of the week i was a bluddy ww saint!

I went mental yesterday and clocked up a massive 71 points....not good I know but at least ive worked it out and i can draw a line under it today.

Gonna try my hardest this week to get a loss!
good change of attitude. my scales looking crap so far for no reason, will see on wed.
hows work going now youve had a little time to find your feet?