30 day shred!

That's dedication
Haha no, it was a movie date to see The Hunger Games - and I wasn't skipping a workout on WI day! :) Paid off though, I got my club 10 which I'm really happy about.
Day 19 done - one more day of this dreaded level :D will be measuring in the morning though as i'm out for a chinese buffet and drinks tomorrow night. Hopefully will get a good result!! Bring on level 3 x
Up to now my frozen right shoulder hasn't hindered me in any way when doing the shred and I have managed so far without using a mat.......enter level 3, everything's changed! In the 'superman' position I can't get my right arm out in front of me so have to do it one armed, also when lifting up my good arm and my legs I realise the carpet isn't as soft as I thought it was as it knacks my pubic bone...ouch!! :( Mat shopping is in order I think! Apart from that though it's not too bad. :)
suzyflo said:
Up to now my frozen right shoulder hasn't hindered me in any way when doing the shred and I have managed so far without using a mat.......enter level 3, everything's changed! In the 'superman' position I can't get my right arm out in front of me so have to do it one armed, also when lifting up my good arm and my legs I realise the carpet isn't as soft as I thought it was as it knacks my pubic bone...ouch!! :( Mat shopping is in order I think! Apart from that though it's not too bad. :)

Sounds very interesting
Day 10 level 1. I still never mastered the standing lunge with bicep curl!!
I stupidly had a quick look at level too and swiftly turned it off after seeing those walking press up thingies!
michmick said:
Day 10 level 1. I still never mastered the standing lunge with bicep curl!!
I stupidly had a quick look at level too and swiftly turned it off after seeing those walking press up thingies!

I prefer the walking ones lol
Argh the standing lunge bicep curls do my head in haha. I always hope she's forgotten them. (Despite the fact it's a DVD, LOL)

Day 5 of Level 1 done, later than usual today but got it done. My mum had a little go with me as well, and helped me see when my body wasn't in the right shape for the moves and stuff which was a good help.
Level 3 day 24 done - for the first time I managed to do the plank push-up things properly the whole way through, no knees at all!

I never got past hating level 2, it was evil - but hey, the results are worth the pain.
michmick said:
Day 10 level 1. I still never mastered the standing lunge with bicep curl!!
I stupidly had a quick look at level too and swiftly turned it off after seeing those walking press up thingies!

Hehe me too! I can predict some obscene words exiting my mouth in 5days lol!!

Day 4 Level 1 - completed!
Day 5 Level 1 - planned for tonight, hope I do it as I usually do it in morn after school run but had a cheeky lay in till 10am this morn :0
Will post and let you know xxx
Level 3 day 2 done.

I didn't get round to getting a mat yet but I did manage superman (one armed!) with the the aid of a cushion to protect my bruised bones, so I might just stick to that rather than spend on something I don't need. I definitely prefer level 3 to level 2, the lunges are still in there though. :)
Well I survived!
day 11, level too
OMG, what a killer. The lunges didn't seem so bad except the pendular ones which I couldn't do with my left leg, right was fine. It's the planks that nearly killed me, so many varieties! It was good too see them struggling too, I did feel a bit sorry for Natalie!
Yay...I did Day 5 Level 1,
Really proud of myself as did it at 9pm just as hubby suggested a film in bed.
Ab work is easier now, just need my press ups to improve...no upper body strength at all.
Didn't do it today as I went to the gym instead. :) Back into it tomorrow.
Ok I'm in - just done L1 D1. Really proud of myself as I only had to stop for 5 seconds during one set of jumping jacks.....let's see how my muscles feel tomorrow!