30 day shred??

cassie21 said:
Have just ordered this as well, I am expecting to hurt the day after starting it!

Ive been reading reviews and if u do it everyday for the 30 days and do the correct levels it is incredible for getting rid of inches of ur body so i have been told to take my measurements as it doesnt always make much difference on scales ...
I think it will really hurt to but i keep reminding myself its only 20 mins of hell lol ..
Ooooo we should post our results at the end of each level (every 10 days) good luck hopefully it will work wonders for us lol xx
I did the shred right through in April/May with one rest day a week (believe me you will need it!) and had amazing results. I dropped a whole dress size and lost 12.5 inches overall, although I didn't lose anywhere near the claimed 20lbs - more like 5 - but then again I don't have that far to go to target and I think the massive losses are seen more larger folks or those on VERY restrictive diets (i.e. 750-1000 cals or less net calories/day).

I still do one day of Level 2 or 3 (or both together back-to-back if I am feeling like inflciting a real burn on my body!) a couple of days a week alognside other strength and cardio training now - more muscle = more fat burn :D

As I mentioned on another thread, just be careful for your knees - the workout includes lots of jumping and Level 3 has lots of plyo moves (jump then stretch) which I can't manage at all as I have had surgery on both my knees and they are stuffed!

My favourite move is the walking push up (no way could I do any sort of push up apart from girlie ones before I did the shred!) - how about keeping this thread going for support and discussion?
OK - you are on :)

Another point I would make is to stretch far longer than the cool down period allows for otherwise you will get very sore muscles. I either at least double the count on each stretch at the end or put on a short pilates DVD afterwards to make sure everything is well loosened off - I learned the hard way in the first few days............ by day 3 I could barely sit down or get off the loo :eek:
I am sure you will be delighted with the results. You will be leaner, fitter and stronger in no time at all. I am still a 52 year old flabby woman (well not so flabby now!) and if I can do it and see a difference then anyone can :D
Hello :) I am on day 9 level one this is my first round and I'm loving it I have noticed less wobble already can't wait to measure on saturday
Well done Katie :D
Annya said:
Well done Katie :D

Thanks annya I don't know why I haven't done it before its been on my shelf long enough amazing what losing a bit of weight can do
Day one level one complete .... OUCH!!! and kinda feel a bit sick but bring it on xx

Good on you Lucy. I did Level 2 and Level 3 back-to-back this evening.......ooooeeeee :eek: :eek:
Ur hardcore hun .... it almost killed me lol and felt so ill for half hour afterwards but im determined to get a nice figure lol xx
Just ordered it off amazon hope it arrives soon x

You can view it on YouTube if you don't want to wait. Just search for Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred - all 3 levels are on there. I bought the DVD as the streaming to my PC is so slow because of the distance we are from the phone exchange that it takes forever to download!
Day 2 L1 and ouch my muscles all hurt from yesterday but no sicky feeling dreading how sore i will tomoz but it will b worth it xx