30 Day Shred :)

In all honesty I made a rookie mistake thinking 2.5 was way too easy when I tried it in the shop. Failed to consider how it would feel in real use! Lol. So now it's my karma I guess for being too cocky =)
Had a bit of a disaster with the 30DS the first time round so started again today and have just finished day 1 of level 1.

Absolutely shattered but that can only be a good sign that I have worked hard and that if I continue to do so then (fingers crosses) there will be some visible results.

I've been using 1.5kg weights and that's been testing at times, so take my hat off to anyone whose been using heavier ones - you deserve a medal!

Helen xx
Erghhh dreading level 2 then!!! I'll be completing level 1 day 9 tonight! Kinda wish I could stay in my comfort level 1 zone tee hee =)
Ended up taking the weekend off to rest my knee. Got a cheap knee support which seems to be helping. I'll buy a more expensive one at the weekend.

Level 2 Day 1 today and it was tough! The good news is as it was a new work out it went really quickly. Is it a bit twisted that I enjoyed the walk out push ups and plank twists?

I did NOT enjoy squat thrusts, double crunches or plank jacks. Yuk!

Well done everyone for keeping at it. Keep up the good work.
On the DVD Jillian does say move on when you're ready. I got a little bored of her jokes on level 1 so moved to level 2 on day 7 but level 2 is so much harder that spent a little longer on it trying to match Natalie's exercises (her hardcore helper)
I try to alternate doing it first thing in the morning if I have evening plans with some evenings and it works out ok - it feels like hell when you have an alarm an hour earlier but once I've done it - it keeps me to plan much more throughout the day as I feel much more motivated :) Although if I miss a day I just do level 1 and 2 the next day to try and make up for it a bit.

Good luck - look forward to seeing how you get on with it :)
Level 2 looks horrifying! I start it tomorrow after finishing level 1 today....anyone surviving it???
Just done Level 2 Day 1...I wanted to cry, kept checking my expression in mirror to side of me and I looked like I wanted someone to save me!!! Lol. All the moves are less than perfect, they were ridiculously difficult except three or four...I simply want to next 19 days to hurry up!

I have race for life Sunday...if I am in agony Saturday I will have to skip a day, can't risk ruining my run


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My DVD arrived when i'd got in from work so I've done level 1 day 1 and I didn't find it too bad - i'm pretty useless at press-ups and I had to lower my weights doing the side lunge shoulder lifts but I survived! Looking forward to Day 2 tomorrow :)
No excuses now day one out of the way roll on day two!
Last nights bicycle crunches on level 1 are certainly making themselves known this morning! My abs are a little on the sore side however raring to go again :) level 1 day 5 to commence later today!

Helen xx
So I did level 2 day 2 last night, and still wanted to die! However my balance and pace was considerably better, I just about kept up!! And managed the one leg balance while the other kicks and biceps lol. So hard it's unreal! However am glad that my abs are hurting, oddly enough! Means the muscles I want to work are finally being hit in this level :) ill be glad to see the back of the Shred though! Fitting it in everyday has been less than easy, but glad I've managed it so far. May have to skip Monday and Tuesday though as we are going on a mini break :)


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Just finished Level 1 day 2. Was quite a bit better at the pressups but still struggled a bit on the shoulder side lunges. I mustn't have much upper body strength!
Just done day 5 of level 1 and I think my general fitness must be improving :) finding it much easier than I was a couple of days ago, but still struggling with side lunges and can't do a press up to save my life! I keep trying though so only practice can make perfect :)

Helen xx
Helen, I can get to 15 push ups now...badly constructed ones but better than only getting 2 bad ones then collapsing! Took to about day 8 until I could manage 10 :)


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Helen, I can get to 15 push ups now...badly constructed ones but better than only getting 2 bad ones then collapsing! Took to about day 8 until I could manage 10 :)

Ooh that's really good to know that it's not just me! Well done on doing it though, they're so so hard :( how are you finding the shred in general? Xx
Finding a great sense of achievement when it's over, but level 2 has been considerably harder to keep up with and sweating through! That's not gonna stop me though, I have faith it's gotta work at the end!

L2 D4. Had to take a rest day yesterday. I'm finding this level so much tougher than L1.

I can definitely see a big improvement in my fitness levels. Feeling stronger too.
Level 2 Day 3 and I want to die! It's literally on a completely different level to the previous, it's a whole different ball game, so much more stress on your legs and definitely the abdomen. I'm glad I have two weeks off work now and can complete this before I go back, it requires a ton of willpower to carry on, especially through the sweat! Definitely worth it, day 3 of level 2 and I can tell I've gained a lot of strength to carry through already. Looking forward to getting a week into this level :)


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