300lb new me new year


Hi there in need of some friendly support just weighed myself and shocked to see I'm 304lb. I'm not following a diet as I'm not sure where to start. I was thinking abt writing down what I eat and drink and see how I get on. I'm writing this post but cannot admit my weight to any family members. Mandy
Hi Mandy, you have come to the right place. Wonderful support in here and lots of friendly advice. Don't be downhearted there are lovely people in the same position who fully understand and are on the same journey. Maybe look around the site and see what appeals to you there is about every popular plan on here maybe you will find one that appeals to start you off. There are also some wonderful people who are a true inspiration who show that it is possible to achieve our goals. Welcome !!
Hi Mandy and welcome, lovely to see you here :)

I'm heavier than you hun, and just did my first week of Slimming World - which I am loving (lost 9lbs woohoo!) - but people here are on lots of different plans, some calorie counting, writing it down and using my fitness pal to log it all - maybe give that a go?

Whatever you decide, we're here to help xxx
hi mandy welcome to the forum this is the best place ever for support and help everyone is here to help you
Thanks chezz, well I bought a load of veg and done a soup and hotpot. Gone well today at work. Got to keep myself away from biscuit tin tonight now
Hi mandy, like you I can't admit my weight to others. To be perfectly honest, I haven't even weighed myself yet, so I'm just going on what I think. I need to buy some scales and check for certain. I'm following weight watchers sort of, using an app to help me. On day 3 so far! Going ok! This place is great, so good to meet others in similar situations x
I got some scales from dunhelm in the sale Xx, I must say I feel better for knowing my weight but still coming to terms with my weight. I've got an app called noom which logs my food and steps on my phone, it's good to see what I'm eating for the first time
mandy thats great if i do not write down somewhere i would just go off plan x x
Well done sweetheart! :) That is fantastic! We're the same weight at the moment - good luck on getting further! :)
What a great start Mandy!! Roll on week 2 :)
well done on your losses x x
Hi Mandy, welcome to the forum! I was 301lbs when I started, so very similar to you, and I know how daunting it is to start with. This place is really great for motivation and support, so I can recommend coming on here as often as yoi can. Good luck. :) xx
Writing things down is the best thing you can do imo - it makes you accountable for everything :)