4th day in and craving sweet stuff


New Member
Well I attended my first meeting at SW last Thursday and the group was brilliant!
Been really good till sunday when I ate half a small iced bun and I felt absolutely awful and stupid but I just could not walk away from it. How dumb!
I am slowly working out the SW foods and the family are eating what I am doing but its the 3pm sugar low at work and the 8pm craving that i need the sugar fix so I have bought...lots of Cadburys Options chocolate drinks at 2 syns and they are curing the demand that I crave! Its just awful! I went to Tesco in my lunch hour to buy a paper and I had to pull myself away from the sweet isle like nothing before! I need to get this under control and I will swim it....and suggestions or ideas anyone?:cry:
Welcome aboard! Sounds like you're having withdrawal cravings. Don't worry, it's perfectly normal!! If you feel yourself at a sugar low, try to have a piece of fruit on stand-by. A banana usually will give you the most instant sugar fix, and you'll find that the cravings will eventually subside. The next part is to break the habit of trawling the sweet isle. I had to break the habit of always going to the fridge as soon as I got home or entered the kitchen. Nightmare!

Another thing to do is try to make your own packed lunch so that you don't have to go into Tesco. If you look at the ingredients on most of their lunch items, you'll see that there is sugar in almost everything. I was a bit surprised by that myself. Plus, you won't have the temptation to stray when you bring your own lunch.

Good luck!!