50+ Reasons To Lose Weight - For Those Low Moments

1. to feel attractive and worthy
2. to wear knee-highs and a mid thigh length skirt, and a fitted top and feel fab
3. when I go scuba diving again (I went a couple of years ago and LOVED it) not to have to have the heaviest weight belt there when the boat is full of guys and girls.
4. To be able to ride horses smaller than 16.2hh
5. To weigh less than my 6'2" boyfriend
6. Not to get bruises from the seat too small when I go on theme park rides.
7. When I'm sitting down, to not feel my belly touching my thighs! (sorry might be tmi)
8. to make my parents proud and astonished :D
9. To be able to look at myself and call myself beautiful sexy and gorgeous
10. when others say that, to believe it.
11. When I'm looking for posh dresses to go to a ball or wedding or something, to not have to find the one that is the most flattering/shows the least bulges, but the one that is the most stunning!
12. The food judgement thing. Not to feel that the shop assistant is judging me when I buy chocolate or anything bad. Not to feel embarrassed to eat chocolate or anything slightly unhealthy in public.
13. To not have chafing thighs like I have always had!
14. To prove my large aunty wrong - show her that I am not a copy of her, and that I am capable of being slim not just dumpy.
15. To not feel shy about talking to boys because I feel that there is no way they could possibly be interested in such a fat girl as me.

OK that'll do for me for now, but really great thread!
Purple Butterfly - I'm losing weight as I'm now too heavy for my 'rising 3' new forest pony, even with him being 14.1 already I'm too heavy and know it! ;)
My reason to Lose weight not already mentioned: To put an up2date photo on my Facebook profile instead of one from when I was slim & not to have to worry about bumping into friends from Facebook in town. You know the friends I mean - the ones you added from school etc... x
To hopefully not have to keep tucking my belly into my knickers :-(
so i dont have to lower myself onto patio/pub garden furniture with extreme caution!

also not worry about sitting on a bench and propelling whoever is sitting next to me into the air!
To be able to wear knee high boots
To have a short hair cut and not look like your face is a balloon
To look forward to summer
To walk into Top Shop go to buy a 10/12 and be happy that they sold out in the smaller sizes
To wave at people and your arms stops wobbling when you stop waving
To fit into one size fits all
To be able to where hold up tights from a department store and not large legs website

And everything else that everyone has written
Ok so this is my personal list sorry if I repeat any that have been said before:

1) To wear a dress/skirt and not worry about how my legs look.

2) To walk down every street as if it were a catwalk

3) To feel proud of my body

4) To feel sexy when naked rather than ugly and embaressed

5) To be able to eat in public and not be paranoid that everyone is watching

6) To stop secretly hating my skinny friends

7) To have confidence around the opposite sex and love myself enough to allow someone to love me back

8) To never have someone make a cruel joke or remark about my weight again

9) To have a social life rather then continuing to be a hermit at 22

10) To wear a sleeveless top and be happy about it

11) Not to shudder when I catch my reflection

12) To feel I am as beautiful on the outside as I know I am on the inside

13) To bump into those people who have hurt me in the past and to see the shock in their faces

14) (The most important Reason) To not die of a heart attack caused by obesity at the age of 49 like my mother did

Hope that list acts as inspiration to others and hopefully one day I'll get to experience/do all the things on my list.

Love Emma xxx
1) To be able to run around comfortably after my 3 year old and 6 month old twins
2) To update my facebook picture and be able to take a photo without me looking up at the camera...you all know the angle!
3) To feel more confident when I go outside the house
4) To shut family up...they're always giving a sly dig about my weight so to lose it would get them off my back finally
5) To shop in 'normal shops'
6) To actually achieve something as I always give up on things halfway through
ok. This is so cheesy but it is a reason for me!

But being light enough that OH can pick me up in his arms *swoon* or I can sit on his lap without crushing him.. At the moment I wouldn't even let him try either for fear of breaking his back!
ah purplebutterfly i love ur reason...i would love that aswell :)
Here are my reasons ....

1. To feel confident in whatever i wear.
2. To look good naked (as per Gok Wan!!)
3. To improve my relationship with the boyfriend
4. To look hot on a beach in a bikini and not have other people think i've been beached then to proceed to push me back in the water.
5. To no longer be able to cross my arms and rest them on my belly.
6. When i run my wobbly bum will no longer be a hazard to people i pass.
7. To walk inbetween parked cars instead of side shuffling.
8. To pick up a size 10 and know its fits, no need to try it on.
9. To make me happier.
10. To have my boyfriend look at me and go "wow"
This is a brill thread and am going to add my why's later.

This thread i am going to keep referign back to when i feel i might stray from the diet or feel down. Will give me the kick up the bum and inspiration i need!
In 6 months time I want people to look at my before and after pics and go WOW!! just like i have done for so many people on here!
- To fit any seatbelt in any car I get in.
- To be able to sit on a chair with my knees bent below my chin and my feet on the chair seat
- To have people respond to me on dating sites (or even better, in real life)
- To see my collar bone
- To be able to go back to ballet classes
- To be able to walk down the aisle of a bus, train or plane without turning to the side.
- To feel confident that my students aren't gossiping about my weight - amything else I can deal with!
Planning on having a professional photoshoot at my goal weight and the evening look I've decided I'll go for is old hollywood glamour.
So that's another reason; I'll never pull that look off without a fantastic figure!
Also similarly going to a personal stylist at the end (free session, mum had loads of airmiles spare!) and I want to start being able to properly style myself instead of it being a damage limitation exercise!
- To not wake up in the middle of the night and think there's a sinister reason.
- To match my confidence of my brain with the confidence of how I look
- To prove to myself I can do something I set out to do.
- To see rejection for what it is. Not always think that men are completely superficial and that there is a substantial reason for rejection - not just my weight
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