5th weeks weigh in


Full Member
Today was my weigh in day I have 2lb off again I mentioned I was taking more exercise and he said you need to run a marathon to lose 1lb of fat!! Iam not too happy to loo se 2lb again !!! Ive made my decision That the next week will be my last and then I will be refeeding. Maybe if I was the only person in my house I wouldnt mind paying £45 a week but im not the onl one, I have a family to feed, and as the chemist said I will probably lose the same amount each week if I go to Slimming World. Ive checked my ketosis again as he asked im still in it so thats not the problem I guess the problem is me!!!:(
I hear ye Jaspersmum....i lost 3lbs today week 5! I am really disappointed! 3lbs for not eating food! I have been walking at least 1 1/2hrs 5 days a week and play netball! I'm refeeding from Friday! The girls in my chemist are amazing and really trying to let me know 3lbs is great blah blah blah! Not for lipotrim it isn't! Well i'm looking forward to refeed now....i was kinda dreading it but i think i'm ready!
Hi Jaspersmum, it is odd isn't it. It gives me the grumps too when that happens. I hope your re-feed goes well and you lose the rest on another plan :D They say 3.5lb is average so that's approx a stone a month, I am sure we would be satisfied with that ;) I wish you well hun.
Jaspersmum, the best diet is the one you can stick to. If you find LT easy then any weight loss is good. If another diet involving food is easier then do that instead. LT is great in that it drops fast in most cases and that helps motivate. Like you say, if you can lose the same on another diet then one of the pluses for LT is gone.

I hope you find the diet that suits you best and if nothing else, take the fact that you DID the diet and stuck to it as your motivation for whatever you choose. Don't worry about the weight lost, it's the way you apply yourself that will utimately cause you to succeed in your diet.

Good luck.