6lbs lost in 4 weeks Getting back on track


Full Member
What a difference after 4 weeks back at SW!

Feeling much better and gettting back in control with healthy eating and life in general.
I did have a shock last week when I stayed the same and thought I'd been really good only to realise that I was following the plan wrong not having enough fruit/veg and basically mixing red & green plan together. But thankfully to joining this site read some of the threads and knew where I was going wrong & had some very good advice.
Then started again doing plan correctly mainly green because I like my 2 hex of a & b if I need them. Also I was finding it hard to eat lots of veg, eating fruit is much easier for me. Was pleased today to lose 1 & 1/2 lbs making it 6 in total. I know it's slower than I'd like but realise that I'm eating lots of what I like & still lossing weight. In the past I wanted the weight gone as fast as poss but if it goes fast it comes back quicker ( it did for me 2 stones in less than a year & didn't even realise it )

So thanks for the advice & good luck to you all on your journeys I've decide to give myself a year .x
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