6stone to lose but restarted so many times doubt has set in?


Silver Member
Have started sw and stopped then restarted so many times that am starting to doubt ever getting to my ideal weight x i do really well for ages then all of a sudden i sufdenly lose sll motovation and sabatage myself, i just want to stick at it but need to knock this doubt away lol

has anyone else been in same situation for years then suddenly just get on with it to reach target? Been trying for 4 years now and its getting embarrasing x
hi teamnasher
you have come to the right place all of us here i have there once or a million times you will get loads of support here and many giggles on the way good luck on your journey love your a good person and remember that you deserve to be whatever you want to be not what someone else wants you to be good luck loe

Feel POSITIVE! If you go into this feeling negative then you will only end up with a negative outcome. I am also following Slimming World and I am really enjoying it, I have had my ups and downs over the months but I always pull my finger out and get back on track. For years I have tried to lose weight, I will have lost a stone or so but then I just gave up and ended up putting it on + even more weight ..I realised why though, I wasn't happy with my life style. I found going to Slimming World and stopping at the image therapy groups, using MiniMins and going to the gym has helped me a lot. Meeting other people who are in the same situation and talking to them, sharing tips and tricks with each other really helps me keep going. Are you going to be doing SW from home or classes? I really would recommend going to the meetings if you are doing it from home.

Good luck x
welcome to the group, its a great place to be, its so supportive, I have tried and failed so many times on diets and always lost motivation and then sabotaged my progress, yet each time in the past I have always done an unrealistic diet, usually starvation type or such that never suit me and always leave me losing weight and gaining it all back. I think for me this time feels so different to the previous attempts as I am doing the whole lifestyle change / healthy eating with planned treats, not a typical diet, nothing is off limits, all about moderation I guess, its like finally after years I am getting into the right mind set which I believe has been key to why I am doing so well this time, I just take it a day at a time and as long as I stick to my plan and still have built in treats then I know the weight will come off. Em xx
Hi ladies thankyou so much for your replies, have written on minimins a few times before and didnt get much of a reply so was nice to come on here snd see your messages :)

I am foing to classes on a tursday morning and know quite a few people there and the consultant is lovely so i do enjoy going x

I have had four 100% days so far yhis week which is the best ive done in a good couple of months and feel like my heads back in it finally lol i have managed to buy a second hand treadmill and my dad just gave me an excersise bike plus i won one of those vibrating arm muscle weights lol in raffle at class so should get that soon :)

Feeling confident thst i csn start to put in some excersise into my daily routine as since i got my first car few months ago i very rarely walk or do anything fitness lol

Lstely been having a problem tho with extreme head sweats, they come from no where whether im doung snything physical or not and my hair gets soaked meaning i have to wash haor again and puts me off excersising during tge day. Think its a side effect of tablets im on for chronic migraines amotriptoline so i am going to need to invest in one of those head sweat bands haha does anyone else have similar problem?

Thanks again for your Replies :) x how are you doing this week? When do you all get weighed? X
hi teamnasher
glad to hear that your are 100% back into it my weigh in day is sunday at home but i do go to reshape where i live its run for 10 weeks have 10 weeks off and then go back to be checked up and then they let you back into the big bad world lolol but i must admitt its free and its very good

good luck for rest of this week
how are you doing this week? When do you all get weighed? X

I have had a full 100% week this week, I am eager to get my 4 1/2 stone award this Monday which I am 2.5lbs away from. I have wrote everything down, planned all my meals out and been to the gym 3 times so far :) it's my 18th birthday on Thursday so I am off around town on the Friday, it's not going to be good for my diet but I think I deserve it.. I am going to bank up all my syns for my night out that week to try minimize the damage lol. :p

What plan are you following, extra easy or are you mixing your days up? Even adding a few little changes to life style can make a big change, like doing a bit more walking for example. You seem motivated to exercise though, have you used any of your equipment yet? If so, how are you finding it? Everybody sweats, some people do more than others.. If I go to the gym with my friend, she sweats like a pig and it's dripping off her which is funny because she is slim. I don't seem to sweat, I really work myself but I sweat very little, I keep putting myself off getting checked out.. I am not sure if it's a good/bad thing lol. x
well done teamnasher, sounds like you are getting into the right mind set, its not easy losing weight and we all hit rough patches, I have stuck to my plan all this week but if I am honest today and yesterday I could have eaten for England, I don't even know why, knew it was emotional hunger as I was eating enough to satisfy my physical hunger but still I so wanted to eat 24/7 in the past I would have done it but I just tried to find ways of distracting myself which is easier said than done as I am a complete food addict!! I think the difference for me this time is I feel I have a support network on minimins, I never imagined it could be so helpful but I log on almost every day and its just a great place to vent, if you are doing well you can get cheered on and help motivate others if you are having a rough patch you can seek advice and support from the other members, its a really lovely place to log into, I find the wemitts bit for those of us who have more weight to lose especially friendly. Em xx
Happy Birthday Pipaluk, sorry its a belated happy birthday hun, hope you had a lovely time, 18, oh you are making me feel old ha ha I always like to celebrate my birthdays, if there is one time you have like a get out of jail card for the diet plan its birthdays so hope you had a wonderful time, oh I can still remember my 18th , went on a pub crawl, seems a life time ago now though at aged 34 ha ha Em xx
oh happy bithday pipaluck hope you have had a good 18th the diet must stop for that lolol

Whoop! List 2lb on tuesdays weigh in :) very pleased :) must keep going strong this week! And remember that all these lbs turn into stones in the long run :) Hows everyone else doing? X
well done teamnasher, fab weight loss, Em xx :D
Thanks emma :) how are you doing this week? Hope its going well for you :)

i had a stupid binge uesterday as i recieved some bad news and when i get upset i slways end up going mad with chocolate etc but instead of going mad and carrying on i pulled myself together this morning thought im not going to carry on so as my 3 yr old was at his cousins i blitzed the house from top to bottom and did lots of cleaning all day twhich is great body magic plus i got my ten yr old to do some excersice on the treadmill/bike for 20 minutes which for me is a long time and i didnt even collapse after haha! :)

Feeling in control now so hopefully i didnt do too much damage x only had 8 syns today instead of my usual 15 so good day for me :)

Need to work on finding other things for when i get upset as i really dont understand why i turn to food for comfort? Do u have same problem? X
Hi teamnasher, sorry you had some bad news, oh I can understand the binge thing, I have always done the same, my binges have always been worse when upset, trying to push those sad feelings down with food. You are doing the right thing though you are picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and not letting one slip up make you give up, the most important thing I finally realised was that its not the odd slip up that undermines our progress but how we deal with it. I have always been the kind of person that is all or nothing so I have one binge and in the past would think "oh sod it I have done it now" and as a result would carry on eating what I wanted and go off plan for yonks the difference now is I have a slip up and think "oh well its one day" and then I get back on track and its been the key so far in not giving up. Oh and how much energy have you used cleaning your house hey, these household things count , they are exercise, I always feel more wacked after I have blitzed the house myself or mowed the lawn or something, its all good exercise!

I personally at the moment am going through therapy which helps me to look at why I would binge and helps to suggest other ways of coping like distraction for example, for me if I am angry or upset I put on a film or tv programme that will always make me laugh, sounds like a completely weird thing to do when you are feeling the opposite but it works as its hard to stay angry when something really funny is on. Also I use music so putting on really upbeat music on when low gradually helps change my mood to a more positive one. I am also a huge fan of self soothe techniques like having a relaxing shower, bath, having a lovely warm drink like a hot chocolate or tea or whatever, just doing something kind to yourself and letting yourself relax helps to take away the negative feelings at times and for me also helps the urge to binge go away quicker. I walk alot on the local moors and so I can also walk off my binge urges and haven't yet felt like I want to binge by time I come back from my walk, its all about finding what works for you.

You are doing so well hun, so just stick with it, Em xx
Thanks em you have some great ideas of distraction trchniques :) x ive drcided i meed to focus on it again so as i know EE so well think im going to start doung red n green days so it will make me read more so i get used to what syns things are etc and will stop me only eating same type of meals over and over as think ice just got way too used to it all so nothing to lesrn etc x

Hoping this will get me on track again and my hubby is going yo sit down with me lster once kids in bed and go tgrough green anc red day ideas to get started x

Hows your week been? X
Hi teamnasher, my sister is doing sw and its really working for her, hope your plan goes well, it takes a while sometimes to find what plan suits us best, we are all so different, its like initially I was trying a low carb plan, well as a veggie I struggled big time on it and I felt miserable so as soon as I adjusted it to more calorie counting plus moderate carb intake I had much more freedom, more choice of food and was far happier on my plan, we just need to find what works for us.

I have kept on track this week but started my time of the month so why is it that as soon as this happens I want to eat for England! ha ha plus feeling all bloated and what have you means whilst I have been getting out for my dog walks I have not been enjoying them as much, would rather be cuddled up with a a hot water bottle ha ha eating chocolate! :)

Em xx
Hi Teamnasha,

I'm like you, I've tried a few times now with SW and given up for one reason or another. BUT I'm back at it again and this time it will work and I will stick to it.

I think having a positive attitude will help tremendously and if you're not positive then fake it until eventually you'll start to believe it.

I'm doing EE and sat and read the book properly for once. It turned out I didn't know quite as much as I thought. I was convinced peas were a superfree and they're not so many times I'd have not managed the 1/3 of the meal as superfree!

I do think a change can work wonders. I did SW years ago before EE and I liked red and green plus you get 2As and 2Bs a day. I always found better loses on red days though as it limits your carbs.

Good luck with red and green days
Aww em know that feeling all too well bless u :) its true id t it when time of month happpens i feel like eating a whole house full if food lol the week before the week during and tge week after haha x

I sat down with hubby ghis week as hes on holiday, told him enoughs enough as when i fall off thr wagon he finds it the perfect situstion to go mad and buy loads of chocolate etc which is not very helpfull lol told hkm if he loves me thrn he needs to do right by me eek bless him he looked quite sheepish lol but we talked anout thf fact we have got bored on extea easy so weve madd a weekly plan of meals having a mixture of red green and EE days so we dont get too bored :) hopefully this plan of action will sabe us some pennies too as we often buy loads of fresh stuff and dont end up using it all, this way we will just buy what we need for the plan :)

On a red day today so having gammon egg and mushrooms for lunch, beef casserole for dinner and really lookknv forward to having two A's and two B's whoop!

Hope u feel better soon hun xx
exactly teamnasher, I remember reading online a while back how normal it is to have an increased appetite when on time of the month but it does make things harder when you want to stay on track and you feel you could eat everything in sight! I have somehow managed not to give into it this week as in the past I would have always had a mega binge during this time. I know its a perfectly normal thing but god I hate it, leaves us so often feeling so emotionally all over the place, I'm either all sad and weeping at everything or irritable as hell ha ha

I think being able to be honest with your husband is great, its always difficult to talk about diet stuff as to be honest its so difficult to give up those tasty unhealthy foods to such a degree, I have to admit I have had to work treats into my plan as otherwise I personally just wouldn't stay on track so I set a time aside each week to have something I really fancy eating, its not that I don't enjoy my new food plan as I do, the food is very tasty its just I have cravings at times for those binge foods so its nice at times to allow myself a little nibble now and again and therefore stops me from feeling so hard done by as I have done in the past. I think the meal plans you are talking about is such a good idea, I never used to plan my meals at all and ate on the go now I plan each day and its making a massive difference plus shopping wise I know what I need to buy. Its amazing if you just change the types of food you eat you can still eat quite a bit whilst on a diet like plan, I have two cooked meals a day most days one for lunch and one for tea and I enjoy them so much, they are smaller than I would have eaten in the past but full of the veggie meat alternatives and other stuff I love to eat.

Em xx
Well done for sticking to it this week :)

Im finding it a little hard at the mo as we have treat things in for my boys as its holidays and they shouldnt have to miss out just cos we are dieting lol only problem is i can almost hear them calling me to eat them lol

Sticking to plan tho but cant believe it i popped out for a meeting this morning after having my nephews to stay the night and came home to find my stock thin sister cooking a complete fry up for her and the boys asarrrgggjhh!!! Lol it smells so good but im being strong and not having any x But slightly annoyed that she knows im not allowed to eat foods like that grrrr! Sure she does it on purpose lol x am i wrong in being angry? Lol i dont think so lol

Anyway taking my little one and his friend to an indoor play area in a bit and can get a jacket potato with beans and salad there so will wait until then and be very good :)

I can do this!!! Lol
