7 Days of SS!!!! Have hitched my wagon back up!!

Still here and doing fine!:)

Hope everyone else is too!

Where are you all today???????????????????????


I'm here :) finished AAM yesterday and back on SS today - so far so good and swelled up tummy seems to be going down thank goodness!

Hope everybody else is getting along ok ?
Hellooo! Still hanging in there! Weigh in tonight but TOTM and feel bloaty and horrid but renewed my vows to the kitchen tap!! ( And the loo of course!) hope everyone is doing ok too! bb x
Have finally got myself sorted out and have hitched the wagon back up today.

Feel like a bit of a heel cos I haven't been on much, but I am BACK!:D

I am out much of the day at my mum's so no excuses for eating, If I feel hungry I will have an extra pack.