8 stone to lose, could do with a buddy!

How's it going, WI tomorrow isn't it?
Not been a 'good' week then? Well done with the STS!
good job with the sts :) like you say if you did a lot of muscle exercises it could easily be that weight!
Well done on the sts :) could possibly be the water surrounding your muscles to repair them after those kettlebells!!
Good luck shenzi!!

Its gonna get tough for me now. I have spent so much time focussing on weightloss and exercise my music has slipped over the last few months. And now I HAVE to shift focus back to it for looming exams. Problem is I am rubbish at splitting focus. I'm an all or nothing kinda guy lol. So I have to make sure the two stay balanced as both are so important!
Maybe make a set time of day for each? Then you know hey its 2, its time to workout for 30 mins. They also say that 10 min sessions through out the day are pretty good as well. I'm sure it'll all work out :)
Exercise in the morning, music in the evening! But looks like no time just to relax!
Like shenzi says you seem like you have a lot on your plate.. don't let yourself get overwhelmed :)
Lol my schedule at the moment is violin an hour before work, kettlebell in lunch, exercise bike after work then at least an hour piano after that. Dunno how sustainable that will be!!!!
Gosh, you'll wear yourself out!
just dont over do it! you dont want to wear yourself out and give anything up :(. you will find the balance, its just gonna take a bit trial and error i suppose. itll work out.
Erm no lol 8 grand for a violin is it made out of gold??
At the moment, your career is the most important and you need to focus on that. Your exams are a fixed timeline, your weight loss isn't! If you just control what you eat, you'll still lose some without so much exercise.
Lol 8 grand is nowt...some cost several million lol. Now do you see how reasonable I'm being? 'innocent expression'

My exams aren't totally fixed. You can take the grades in different seasons, just the one I have chosen is looming lol. I figure I will cut back to kettlebell 4 times and bike 3 times a week to make time.