A food nightmare!


Full Member
Oh dear, I just need to tell you all about the dream I had last night.

I was at my nans house and she made me a sandwich with some crisps on, and at first I took the crisps off and ate those but I refused to eat the bread because of all the carbs. Then my mum was like "just eat half of it" so I ate half of the sandwich!

I remember feeling horrified in my dream and I woke up thinking 'what the...'

Food has officially become a nightmare... bye bye Ghosties, hello sandwiches! :8855:

Think it's due to the fact I ended up snacking on Saturday, and it's my unconcious bringing out the guilt in me, OOPS!
heheh!! I think it must b something in the subconcious! AfterI had to eat on Sunday (dont know if youve read my post - about unreasoble husbnd!) well that night I actually had a food nightmare! I dreamt that once id eaten i woke up the next day and instead of having my shakes started eating, than felt guilty than because of the guilt started eating more, this dream wa all happening in my kitchen at work (they are ALWAYS having luch lunch spreads - i go,make my shake and walk out ... VERY hard!! had a spread on today as well :( ) well anywas there waas a tin of celebrations and i had one, than another, than felt guilty, couldnt resist had another adn it went out of control, than the next day in my dream unable to face the consequence of what id done i wpuld no weight mysef, and crried on eating. This is actally how my weight got out of control initially, I was very upset one day and bought the really thick cookies - the extra special ones and ate the whole packet at work, than had loads more junk food including kfc on the way home from work, shocked at what id done i was too scared to weigh myself so I didnt, and the enxt day i did the same adn it carried on until I didnt know wha i weighted any more as i was too scared to see the damage, id gne from 9st 7ish then to 12st 4. Shocking isnt it, cos I was too scared to weight myself in a way adn it came out in my dream

weird isnt it.
Sorry it's took so long to reply, I hate trying to use my phone to reply cos it always crashes on me! Oh wow, it's so strange how the subconscious works isn't it?! I mean, after I ate last Saturday I was like 'Nah I don't regret it, just feel a little guilty'. But obviously, after I had this dream it made me realize that maybe I do regret it! Since when did food become such a nightmare?! I hope when I start my refeed and maintaining afterwards I don't end up having a recurring nightmare :8855:
I have had sooo many dreams about forgetting I'm not allowed to eat, and eating all sorts then remembering and hating myself! I'm so glad when I wake up and it was just a dream! Thus far I have stayed 100%, so it's not even a guilty conscience! LOL!
I believe it is quite common to dream about food - and having eaten it.

Many a time I've woken up and thought I'd eaten a full roast dinner!!
