A new weight loss journey

Cupcakequeen I hate choc drinks but would love to try with mint do you think it tastes like drinkingchoclate might get one just to try it
I put about 250mls water with teaspoon of coffee and a sweetner in the freezer till it goes slushy then add the vanilla shake. It's lovely! Gonna do the same with mint tea for the choc shake..I'll let you know the verdict!
Al30, is there no freezer at work? What about freezing a bottle of water the night before and keeping it in one of those little cool bags with an ice pack?
Hi Sally I have actually got a water cooler in work which is great cos I love my water ice cold, I can use that for the shakes. I am real awkard I dont like choc drinks or ice cream or cakes but could eat choc until it comes out of my ears and dont like coffee but love coffee cake so might try vanilla with just a hint of coffee cos that sounds lovely
Well start of day three, hope I can do it
Can anyone tell me why my last response to Sally is still in my message box and I have to delete it everytime I want to post thanks
Yay its gone
When I was on LT last time I didn't mind the chicken soup, it's the strawberry shake I had trouble with swallowing lol. Just want to get started now.
Having a strawberry one now mandy lovin it lol
Al30, the coffee and vanilla isn't very coffeey (if that's a word) - the vanilla shakes on their own are a bit slimy and horrid!
Cupcakequeen I hate choc drinks but would love to try with mint do you think it tastes like drinkingchoclate might get one just to try it

i tried it hot once but i didn't like it, not like drinking chocolate at all maybe more like ovaltine. yep i sometimes put peppermint tea in mine or some coffee. x
Thanks CCQ was also thinking of having half strawberry and half vanilla to see how that goes, only have one vanilla
Thanjs Sally
Or should I say thanks Sally, damn smart phone keys are too small for my big fingers lol
I'm about to try strawberry with crushed ice. Still need to try chocolate with peppermint tea. How do you make it?