ProPoints A Whole New World


Full Member
Hi, I'm Zoe and I have been a yoyo deter for the past 4 years. I have been attemping Slimming World for most of these for years and whle I did loose 2 stone at one point, it is always short lived and I never seem to be able to stick with it long term as I find it very restrictve.

I have always chosen Slimming World as it always seems a very healthy way to eat but I have finally accepted the fact that I will never be a salad and vege person. Whlst I would lke to try and eat heathily, I also need to option to be able to throw a pizza in the oven if I so wish. have pcos so loosing weight is not normally that easy for me but we need IVF and are unable to until my bmi is under 30. My husband wants this as much as I do and I feel like I am letting him down everytime I give up a diet, so this is going to work this time, I will work on the extra healty thing but for the moment, I just want to loose weight. I can't actually get to class until sunday as I have 2 jobs and dont get home until 10pm on weekdays but I have signed up to monthly pass already.

Here is to the beginning of the rest of my life......
Hi Zoe,
well done for joining Weight Watchers, im sure you'll find all the success and support you need. Just keep focusing on your goal to become a parent (hopefully) and i wish you and your husband the best of luck :)