AARRGGGHHH restart now or jan 5th?


I will get into that wedding dress!
ok so do i restart now as its all i can think about! or jan 5th when life gets back to normal and hubbys back at work etc etc were not going out new year because of the 3 children so hubbys suggested we have a special meal so that would be news years eve then hes off new years day and then at the weekends its dinner out and round his mums! aaarrgghhh i really need a kick up the bum to restart ive stuffed myself that much over xmas!!!!
I've meant to start yesterday .......again but problems with ex made me seek comfort in food. It didn't really help. I had even posted on the forum after reading post that really clicked something inside my head. Head as to be in right place for CD (or any other diet I guess). Probably not as helpful an answer as you would like but it does have to be right in your head to start this.
It's up to you really, how do you feel and have you put much back on over xmas? I had 3 days off and stuffed myself, well as much as my shrunken stomach would let me ha ha but I started again on Saturday and when I weighed for the first time yesterday I had only put on 1lb so was really chuffed!! I have to say though I was really miserable on Saturday even though I was determined to get back on it and weighed this morning and lost another 2lb's so no damage done really and actually really glad that I took the 3 days off to enjoy eating and drinking with my family.... whatever decision you make it will be the right one for you I am sure.

Happy New year xx
or jan 5th when life gets back to normal and hubbys back at work etc etc

I think the 5th of January is a good time to start and plan ahead as you can begin now cutting down slowly on carbs which will help greatly in getting into ketosis without the harsh withdrawals and your routine will be back in place with hubby back at work and kids in school...

Also, between now and then you can set yourself some long and short term goals, take photos and body measurements all these things helps get the old head back into it.

Wishing you the best of luck with your restart.

Love Mini xxx
Emmie & Kira, I know exactly how you feel! I kept it together over Xmas Day & Boxing Day & thought I had the food thing sussed, but once the family & visitors had gone I was left with a ton of work to get through (I'm self-employed & on a crazy deadline) and a fridge groaning with food. Had planned to stay on 810 over the Xmas/New Year fortnight, but day by day I cheated more and more and felt worse and worse.
Today, after a stressed & sleepless night when I was up 15/20 times with our crazy dog who seemed to be having some kind of howl-fest, I blew it big style. Ate Xmas pud leftovers smothered in brandy sauce, and feel so bad I could cry. I have a mega deadline looming later today and I need to work, but am so tired and fed up and ashamed of myself. I know there are too many temptations between now and 2nd Jan to try SS right now, but I feel lost without it... and scared, because before this week I was feeling so strong and proud of myself. I daren't even get on scales and CDC is away till 6th Jan.
Maybe we can buddy each other onwards once we do start over... it helped me to read your postings, as I'd been feeling so low and alone after this mornings blow-out. Thanks for letting me confess!
oohh katy MASSIVE hugs chick!!! please dont hate yourself as has been said sssoooo many times on here just try and remeber how you feel now and hopefully that will help next time! put it behind you hun theres nothing you can do now its done so lets all move on.......i know what you mean about it being scary without having SS as a crutch and i think sometimes this can be abit unhealthy food is not the enermy you just need to retrain yourself to go abit easier!!! (i really should take my own advise as im being very contradicting to myself here!!!) but WE CAN do this i know we can its worked for all of us so far so we need to just buddie up i think and get on with it i think to be honest im going to start back on the 1st new year new start and all that!!!!! and that way its only a few more days i have to be without SSing!!

im here for you though hun if you ever need to chat!! just pm and yourll be fine!!!!
Thanks Emmie... I know you're right, just shook me a bit and I do feel so ashamed of myself. I think I will go back to SS on 2nd, as people staying until then and no chance of a routine... I cannot wait. Just wish I knew how to sort my head out so I don't do sabotage stuff like this in future. I stupidly thought the SS thing had cut me off from all of that, but obviously not. Think I have a lot of stuff still to learn. I felt so angry at the poor dog for keeping me awake and then mega guilty for being angry, and just exhausted on top of all that, and those things are obviously trigger points. Feel upset = binge. It's been such a yukky day so thanks for the kind words... I know I can turn this around but for a moment there earlier, with my mouth full of stuff I didn't even really like, I felt like I'd thrown away all the weeks of hard work. Oh, and if the dog starts howling tonight I think I'll go sleep in the shed!!!
Hey hun, I was about to say, why don't you start on the 1st? But you beat me to it!! Enjoy the New Year's festivities, and start afresh on 1st Jan. No point starting now if you have lots of plans that revolve around food, but if you plan to start on the 1st, you can mentally prepare for it. xxx
I would say let the meal plans pass, then start when u don't have any restaurant trips planned etc. I'm meeting my CDC on 4th Jan and starting 5th in the morning. I feel mentally prepared to start that day and dont think i could give it the same dedication if i tried to start before that. That said i do have 60kg to lose :( and i feel lost!
Hi there and happy new year! Ladies my head is getting there ready to re-start CD. Part of me wants to start today yet another part of me is saying wait until Sunday 4th or Monday 5th Jan. Mini has suggested easing into it by cutting out carbs slowly until SSing. I just can't understand how I had the will power to SS and lose 33 pounds the first time around when I started back in April? I know life gets in the way of things (like hassling ex's even though I've been divorced from 8 years!) but guess when there is a child involved one really never cuts ties completely. I know everyone has stuff going on in life and some like me reach for food for comfort, yet it does nothing except for a few second or minutes to satiate that feeling of despair. It doesn't answer back it doesn't judge it fills in a void for those few seconds it tingles on the taste buds. So I am still in contemplation mode. I am supposed to be going out to dinner on Saturday night for my sister's birthday and again but part of me doesn't want to . I want to keep away from food but I know that is not the right attitude. I know I should be saying to myself I can have a bit control myself until I start CD on Sunday. Just the attitude towards food of I can't have this today but if I lose X amount I can have it again? Sorry I guess I am trying to self counsel here. Don't mean to sound as if I am talking to myself on the forum but it helps to read stuff like this back. Certainly helped when I read head stuff posts when I first did CD. I noted katycakes you said you were scared......so am I but I'll try again.
Hi Kira

You have to give yourself the best shot at restarting and if that means waiting until your sister's meal is out of the way then by all means wait. I think people without a weight problem underestimate how much of it is a mental game, that's why the "eat less and exercise more" approach doesn't work for us emotional eaters. Don't be too hard on yourself by thinking you have to tackle everything at once, you can sort out what your attitude to food "should" be once you have got a few successful CD weeks under your (smaller!) belt. For now just do whatever will make it easier for you to get back on the wagon long-term and if it means waiting a few more days before you restart then so be it.

Good luck and best wishes whatever you decide xx
Kira, your post was really helpful... been thinking a lot about why & how I eat over last few days. the last day I posted I'd binged on sweet stuff, went on after posting to eat more, most of small box of chocs, I only stopped as I was in pain, shrunken tummy couldn't take it all. The shame was just as painful. Then on Hogmanay, we had a big party & I grazed the food that night and ate what I wanted within reason, but without any guilt, same on New Years Day, so I have learned that emotional stress is the reason I binge... and the difference between healthy celebratory eating & secret stuffing. I just don't know what to do about it!!!
I planned to start SS again on 5th but woke up today feeling I wanted to just go for it & have started again, already feel very much safer but also glad I had a couple of days of 'normal' eating before I did step away from food again. I agree that getting your head in the right space is a major task, but thanks Kira for a post I really identified with.
Hello everyone, I am in exactly the same situation- just wish I could be strong and get back on the diet, I have been trying for a month to get back on- but just can't do it!

I lost a stone in November- took me two weeks, as i started off just weighing 10.5- a a stone took me to a good weight! However, I rapidly put it all back on once i felt i reached a close enough target:wave_cry:

I am starting again tomorrow, but am worried as I have a weekend course in a plush hotel- and keep telling myself to start the diet on Sunday, once it is over!

Hope I can get some help on this brill forum :cry:
Hi Niz, it can be hard to get your head in the right zone! It was interesting reading my old post above as I felt really shaky then, have been doing ss ever since and felt much better, also shifted a good bit more weight and feel great about that. But mainly had the time to think about why I was overeating/bingeing and that has been really helpful. So go for it!!!
Might be easier for you to wait until after weekend, but I am on a week business trip right now with lots of travel & nice hotels, have moved up to 810 for the week and still feel very much in the safe zone and in control... so it can be done! Have been eating an egg for brekky with mushrooms & then having a bar and a shake later on, so far so good. Just got to hotel room & there are two packs of biccies eyeing me from across the room and somehow they don't register at all... miracle!!! CD is brilliant, I really do think it gives you back control.
Anyway just wanted to say go for it... we are all here for you.