Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

hey babes how you doing?

Hi abz! going well then love.
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Well done on getting to day four hun. That was the day things started getting easier for me... hope it's the same for you!
thanks guys :)

am back to watching voyager :) half way through season 2 now. there are so so many i haven't seen. think i must have seen the later ones mainly...

my throat is getting really really sore... hope i'm not coming down with something :( every cold medicine takes you out of ketosis so i'd just have to suffer :(

abz xx
sorry tohear that hunni xx

I always gargle with salt water for a sore throat - not nice but it really works. Wouldthat be ok?

it would i suppose...

have just been having a look. the right side of my throat is swelled up to massive proportions... am going to have to keep an eye on it as it is looking a little alarming... doesn't hurt all that much yet though... might need to make water flavouring ice lollies to suck on :)

abz xx
they would if we had any...

i am starting to feel awful. not in a cambridge way, in a coming down with something horrid and unable to take anything for it way. bleurgh.
Jeez, go and see the Dr abz.
Hey Abz, hope you don't mind my butting in.

I know you're far more of a veteran than I am but both when I first started and now, after the week of break I had the very-sick-for-a-day-or-two episode as well. Maybe it's our body's way of rebelling. Personally I've first hatched plans to not let anyone see I have it -my mom and mister would have insisted I get on drugs and food with them if they did- and then ignored it for long enough that it left me around day 5 or 6 so I hope yours does the same thing!
Sorry to hear your under the weather hun, hope it passes quickly.

You could always spend a couple of days in bed dreaming of Mr HJ!!
I'm with Jim, get that throat checked young lady, we can't have you poorly at this stage of the game!

ha. well i've been having a look at it in the daylight. it's not as swollen as it first appeared. if it hasn't subsided by tomorrow i'll get it checked out as the swelling is suspiciously around the tonsil area... but we'll see.

as you can see i got impatient with the lying down aspect of the afternoon and had to get back up again, ha.

might get my knitting out...

abz xx
Hope you feel better soon Abz x
Hey hun. You feeling any better? x
not really. after OH has been so lovely and wonderful i asked him where he had put my knitting his having 'tidied' and now he says i'm treating him like a slave. i said that he shouldn't offer to look after me if he can't follow through and in any case he has put it somewhere. not me...

he's grumpily looking saying he's never going to offer to do anything again :D

abz xx
Ah Tomas is at home as well today then abz.
yes yes. thomas didn't get friday off, he has today off instead. not that either of us have really utilised that. he's watching a different episode of voyager to me. we were going to go out but the weather is all gloomy and horrid... may think about going to the cinema later if i feel a bit better. am just going to have my second pack in the hope that it will perk me up a bit with all the vitamins :)

abz xx
ah well, have a good time if you do go out then abz.