Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Glad you've had a good weekend Abz.
Good luck for tonight's WI.

would be good to see you jim :)

thanks ag :)

well i was trying out my contacts this morning. have taken them out after 6 hours as my eyes starting to itch like mad. they aren't used to them yet :)

so am back on the specs. i look really young without glasses i have discovered. maybe that's why i got ID'd, ha.

can't believe it's day 17 already. i'm not sure how many days i am doing in total. i think it's 8 weeks so that's 56 days... so still quite some way to go *sigh*. still. more than a quarter through now :) and i don't want to think about the overall picture just yet or i'll go mad, ha. and it will mean the wedding is VERY close!! although i could feasibly do 9 weeks ss i think. i'll see how crazy i'm going and how close to target before i think about moving up the plans. it's a bit premature to worry about it just yet :)

i did try on my size 16 troos over the weekend and they are getting closer to being done up. i could get them on now if i wanted to struggle at it but they would look horrific and no doubt the button would ping off if i tried to sit down :D so i think i'll wait a couple of weeks, ha.

abz xx
I suppose I could divert on the way home next time I'm in Hull abz. We'd have to check on your shift though.
jim. what on earth came up to make you think i was short?? and how short do you think i am? and how tall did you think i was? i'm totally intrigued now :D

abz xx
I'm not going to sneak on anyone abz. It's your neck love, in the photo it looks lovely and long and slim.
hell no abz, models have long necks, it looks really nice on a girl.
Except poor old Diedre on Corrie of course :eek: "Oh Ken" :eek:

Abz I confess - Taz and I thought you would be really, really tall (much taller than our 5'8" and it turned out you were actually slightly shorter than us - You're right though about Elle - she is so elegant and towered above all of us.

Oh - and we didn't say you were a short arse - that was the male version of what we said (and we know that's always just a little skewed ;)) x
just saying hello to gemstone and taz. can't get my head round this website as there seems to be so many threads not to get involved in! advice please? thanks xx
Hi there Nomad - you've hit on an OK here - Abz is cool. "Big boy need love too" is a bit of a meeting place for mad folk. It's actually Martyn's diary but he's rarely there so we party while he's away. My diary is members only so you have to have a certain number of posts and Taz has a cool diary too. You'll get used to it - stick with us x
i'll believe you gem... maybe...

i have no clue why you thought i would be tall though!! ha. saying that i'm one of the tallest girls i know so i'm not complaining :D

abz xx
Hi nomad, I'm the sober sensible one round here. :) :eek: :bolt:

I know there'll be incoming here.
Anything you say will be taken down as evidence and may be used against you in a court of law abz....
Hi Abz, just popped in to say you are doing so well and I am really chuffed for you. Time I get back you will have lost loads and will be well on your way!

Take care and keep going, you are going to look sooo lovely on your wedding day.

Lots of love