Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Hiya Abz
I took my mother in law to the airport and she had her camera with her and it had pics of me in my wedding dress from last sept...Its given me a real confidence boost to see them because I know Im looking so much better than I did then YAY!!!
Hi nomad, I'm the sober sensible one round here. :) :eek: :bolt:

I know there'll be incoming here.


How can you not expect incoming with a statement like that???!!! :eek: ;)

Hi Nomad. Welcome to the site. x :)
Jim's nose has just grown again x
Morning Abz just wanted to thankyou for your comments and support in my diary, I tried to rep you but i needed to spread it around and now I ve given to much out I will rep you tomorrow chick.xxx

Keep up your good work your doing fantastic well done.xxxxx
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well chaps. 3.25lbs down this week. that will do nicely :D hopefully i'll get the same off this week with a bit of effort :)

abz xx
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Morning abz, how are you, 3 1/4 lbs down is great love, well done.
Fantastic , well done hunni.xxxxx

(Thanks Jim your looking good your self.xxx)
Yay - well done Abz - That's fantastic x
well done on your loss... wooo tiny wedding dress here you come
That's brilliant Abz. Well done. x x :D
:DWell done Abz, keep it up!
thanks guys :D

have been doing wussy girlie pressups against the wall and man do my arms ache!! hoping to tone them a wee bit before the wedding :)

two packs down, 2 litres down and four hours of work left...

abz xx
Well done with the wussy little press-ups - they must be doing you some good or it wouldn't have hurt x
well done Abz,

thats a great loss x

Might try those girlie pressups wen i'm bored ;)
ha. i've taken to just doing 25 when i walk past a convenient wall :) and nobody is about obviously. i only stand my arm's length away and make my nose touch the wall... and 25 hurts!! my arms are pathetic!! still... if my arms look less flabby as a result i'll take that :D

abz xx