Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

Well, I haven't been naughty this week, so it was time Kazzy. :D
well guys it fit like a bloody glove. it fit a bit too well actually because i've been told not to lose much more weight... i have a proper fitting on monday. so i've gone up to the 1000 plan to slow things down a bit... and to save my sanity, hee.

so i've done 28 days. and i've lost 1st 3.5lbs all together. and that aint half bad. i'm expecting to gain over the next week as i introduce carbs and then for things to settle down a bit. hopefully i won't balloon over the weekend before my fitting, hee.

looking forward to FOOD. catch you later :)

abz xx
fantastic news abz bet your well chuffed enjoy the food dont go mad tho lol
YAY well done Abi so excited for you
So...that's one stress out of the way:D

When are you gonna get all excited.....was it as gorgeous as you remembered? It's such a beaut dress

No gorging on pizza now - it's much easier to take it in than let it out;)
now would i do that!! :D

the dress was fab. i didn't want to take it off. to the point that i got my diary out of my bag to arrange to see the seamstress and she said 'oh no, you don't have to do it now while you're in the dress' until i pointed out i didn't want to take the dress off and i could keep it on longer this way :D

abz xx
Hey abz!

Oo, congrats on getting married! When's the big day? It's awesome trying on the dress, ain't it :) It'll be so exciting once you get to take it home!

Enjoy dinner!

ABZ fantastic news hun! Have you been SS perhaps do a few days at 810 first before moving to 1000 to make it more gradual. Well done babe inspiring news I find this.

:copon:I've just thought - maybe my goal should be to get back into my wedding dress for our 20th anniversary next year. I didn't want to take my dress off either;)
Sounds like a challenge for us all. I still have mine and my 5 year anniversary is 16th of July so not long for me!

Ohoo what fun this will be!

ha. photos everyone!! :D

well i've been battling with myself about this one. i really don't know what to do. i am not the size i want to be. but i am aware that a 14 is pie in the sky stuff now, especially with the dress. but i would like to fit comfortably into size 16 trousers. i'm a 16 in dresses and floaty skirts but the hips on trousers don't like the hips on me :) especially since most are hipsters. and i don't want to be a 16-18 on holiday. i want to be a 16. full stop. so... i did do 1000 plan last night and it was ok. but nothing to write home about to be honest. i'm just not sure whether i should carry on doing ss for a bit longer and see what the seamstress says or whether i should continue on 1000 to slow down weight loss... and it's a battle because i don't want to ss any more. four weeks was enough for me!! ha.

so yes. don't know what to do. i'm sticking to my packs for brekkie and lunch in any case and i'll think about what i may do for dinner. not sure whether it will be another pack or another 1000 plan meal... keeping my options open a bit...

abz xx
Id say do what you feel comfortable doing, it will be easy enough for the dress to be taken in if need be ,,, i personally would say go for it aim for the size 16 trousers fitting comfy
but my first fitting is on monday. and the final fitting is only to double check the fitting already done. not to perform massive alterations. i suppose i'll just have to ask the woman that does the alterations on monday.

it does lace up the back but it was already laced up pretty tightly and i think it would start looking a little ridiculous if it was laced more tightly...
maybe need to try squeeze a third fitting in the middle there somewhere just to be on safe side i confess to having no experience of wedding dress fittings apart from watching claire from steps lol
hee. it was good wasn't it? thanks for that hope :)

ooh. that reminds me. i have a week of the biggest loser to catch up on, ha.

abz xx
yeah the claire from steps programme was brilliant but there was still part of me that thought yeah i could do it to if i had your money lol oh im so petty over celebs lol
ha. i know. but then she did really struggle and she ate food she made herself. it wasn't like she vanished for three months to a tropical resort to do it :)
she did do well bless her and that boot camp in scotland she went to looked like pure torture, and at least she was still looking after her family at the same time and not palming of her wee lad onto a nanny so she could do her thing