Abi's weightloss diary - post jaw surgery

well. falling into place. nicely? not sure. want to lose faster as always. other people lose 1.5lbs doing foody diets but not me. nosiree!! ha.

still. it's working, slowly but surely. and who knows. maybe i'll get a whoosh this next week... it could happen, right? :)

thomas has made me my final shake of the day to make sure i actually have it and it's waiting on the bedside table. so i'm off to bed and being a good girl and having my final pack, ha.


abz xx
;)Well done on the loss and achieving the 1st of your goals

Why did you decide against the coloured back panel? Can't wait to see the pics - you're going to look stunning:D
Well done, Keep it up!!! I hope I can stay on track like that, fingers crossed!!!!!
ha. i think it's the novelty of instead of trying to keep food away from me he has to remind me to have my own!!

i am so so so so tired this morning. i really don't know why. i did have some issues getting to sleep but i should still have had enough to get me through the day, but this morning i feel like i could curl up anywhere and snooze. have a large pot of coffee beside me that i am about to tuck into though, so hopefully that will help :)

abz xx
How can you call that a shoddy loss, dear me abz, you are heading in the right direction, so good for you love.

Oh and good morning. ;)
ha. good morning jim.

i just find it irritating that i don't lose what other people do on cd, but i'm happy that it's going and it's going in the right direction. i don't mean to moan. but there are people that cheat twice a week and then lose 5lbs... just doesn't seem fair, ha.

abz xx
I know love, to be honest I understand where you are coming from. I think some people have more efficient bodies abz, In times of drought and famine, you and I would survive where others went under, believe me love.
my dad says that all the time jim!! ha.

'abz, just think. if there was a famine, we'd be sorted'...

i point out that there isn't a famine. and if there was, we would likely be the first to be eaten... he tends to shut up after that :D

abz xx
Pooh, would want to eat tough stringy old me abz. :D
hee. not any more jim. you're too slender :p i'm trying to catch up. maybe that should be another incentive. i can see the advert now 'get thin!! look unappetising!!' :D

abz xx
LMAO, you have a point abz, a nice little plump one is much more appetizing. :D

so what have you got planned today jim?

i suppose i should be coding again but i really can't be @rsed. hence i'm putting it off for the timebeing, ha. but it really must be done...
Not much really abz, general support and maybe a report or two if I'm lucky. I'm planning a teach in for tomorrow afternoon, more DOS for the Team. Specifically DOS batch commands.
morning abz, well done on your loss hun.xxx i was the same on CD 2lb a week was my average but it all adds up hunni.xxxx
good morning su. why are you so angry? will go and check your diary :)

batch files jim? never really got the hang of those but can do them when following instructions at a push :D not something we have to do too often now, hence i'm out of practice...

abz xx
We (I) use them a lot abz, I like to automate as much as I can.
angry with myself hunni, thats all.
Well done on the loss hun. You're doing great. Getting into the 13's is wonderful news too. x x :D

(Morning Jim :wavey: x)
It'll be great on the day Abz - things are looking really good x