About periods x.x


Full Member
I wouldn't normally ask about this on a forum, because it's slightly embarrassing, but here goes anyway!

So I've never ever been regular, but about two years ago I stopped having my period all together and completely. Doctors kept telling me to lose 5% of my body weight and the situation would fix itself, but I never believed them or just didn't have backbone to succeed in losing weight. Well now I have lost enough for them to have started but they wont stop! :confused:

Tomorrow I've been on my period for 2 and a half weeks and it doesn't even slow down. I've contacted a doctor and they say call back again when they stop, but I'm freaking out.

I'm just wondering if anyone has similar experiences? Is it because I've not had them in such a long time, or is there something wrong with me? Sorry for being gross, but I just had to ask D:
Quite a lot of people have messed up periods when they are losing weight at a reasinable speed and/or eating a lower carb diet. Lots of debate, but one theory that seems plausible is that quite a lot of hormones are stored with the fat - as you lose it they flood the body so you get strange effects. Not sure if that makes you feel better - but it is something that seems to happen to quite a few people. Good luck
Happened to me too - if it carries on do go to the doctors though as they may be able to prescribe you something to stop it.
Hiya, im the same but mine were fine till i went on the pill and i didnt stop bleeding for a month so tried a diff one and still the same so doc gave me a tablet to take for 7 days which would stop the bleeding and flush you out after so i would be ready for my next cycle, well 1 years later ive had 4 periods 1 every 6 months and its driving me mad yet when i get it it lasts 5 days like it used to.

hope yours sorts itself out hun, if not go back to the doc xx
Hi snowy,

I didn't have a period in 2010- not one.. However when I started losing weight it has now settled to a 6 week cycle.. It probably is because of your weight loss but do go and see your doctor again and asked to be referred to the gynaecologist... The GP are as their title suggest- (General) so u need to see a subject matter consultant.

i have the implant and its messed mine up completely :(

two have lasted around 6 weeks continuously, heavy aswell. its horrible isnt it
I think the reason my periods have stopped is due to weight gain....now I'm convinced! Right, better get real and start getting healthy......
Best thing u can do for your periods is lose weight :) although I hate period pain, I always smile when I start LOL just because I'm so glad they're regular now..
I'm on here today to try and figure out what to do and how to do it, came across this post and a few things fell into place.
I know I'm scoffing, it's like an eating disorder but backwards, strange I know but I eat and eat, gain more and more.... Vicious circle.... Hoping this site can give me the kick up the ass I need....(I know I already know I need too get healthy it's just the starting......)
A few years back I had a period that lasted about 28 days before I got round to seeing a doctor.
She gave me a pill called Northisterone to stop it.
You take it for 7 days.
Thanks all for your great answers! I havent been on the site for a while, frankly i havent really felt like I was in need of support :) been feeling magnificent! The bleeding has almost stopped but i figured ill give it some more time and if it comes back for as long ill go see a gynegologist... I just dont wanna go yet :D i hate them! ;;