About Time I Started One!!

Day 40!!

Never thought i would get to the big 40!!

Today was a little better, being back in routine and work helps to pass the day...filled up on the water and the soups but really am dreading going to the pharmacy on Thursday. I will be happy if i have lost 1lb.

Ketosis should just be around the corner again tho........and i know i will feel better then!!

Will keep plodding along anyways.........i am dying for someone who doesn't know i am on the diet to actually comment hehe....only comment so far is from my mother and she told me at the weekend........"wow, your tummy isn't hanging out as much as it used to!"
Day 40!! Never thought i would get to the big 40!! Today was a little better, being back in routine and work helps to pass the day...filled up on the water and the soups but really am dreading going to the pharmacy on Thursday. I will be happy if i have lost 1lb. Ketosis should just be around the corner again tho........and i know i will feel better then!! Will keep plodding along anyways.........i am dying for someone who doesn't know i am on the diet to actually comment hehe....only comment so far is from my mother and she told me at the weekend........"wow, your tummy isn't hanging out as much as it used to!"

You will get there Sinead!!!! You will end up with so many positive comments you will begin to get bored of them! Haha x
Day 40!! Never thought i would get to the big 40!! Today was a little better, being back in routine and work helps to pass the day...filled up on the water and the soups but really am dreading going to the pharmacy on Thursday. I will be happy if i have lost 1lb. Ketosis should just be around the corner again tho........and i know i will feel better then!! Will keep plodding along anyways.........i am dying for someone who doesn't know i am on the diet to actually comment hehe....only comment so far is from my mother and she told me at the weekend........"wow, your tummy isn't hanging out as much as it used to!"

You will get so many compliments Sinead you will soon be fed up of them! Haha x
Oh I will try that at the weekend, not taking anything now but still coughing lol. Thank you xx
Poor sinead. We are all thinking about you xx

Thanks Peggy xx I think i would have shifted it if i was eating and wasn't rationing the cough bottle and would have added VitC too but didn't want to be doing that. I am sure it will have to get better soon tho :)

At least back on the straight and narrow with the shakes now:) xx
Good luck tomorrow Sinead. X

Thanks Daisey, will let you all know how i get on hehe........god i feel like i have put on weight this week :(

but at least back on the bike now lol
Day 41 here! and feeling better :)

Hoping i am going towards ketotis again and that i will get back all the willpower i had for the past few weeks...........i need that willpower for at least another 6/7 weeks lol

Not looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow but once i don't put anything on, it is a new week and the only way is down!! xx
how did you get on?

h x
Will find out at 4.45 xx
Day 42! and i feel great!!

I lost 2lbs today, wasn't expecting to lose anything so i am delighted. Pharmacist did tell me that if she was working last week she would have told me to refeed for the week while taking the cough bottle, that noone would expect me to take it and keep on the 100% at the same time. Bit late now tho.....

But next week is a new week and no meds nothing and i am feeling a lot better! Nearly me again!! xx

I want to get into the 15s badly cos i feel i will be "kind of normal" at that weight, i know i will still have lots to lose but i feel that people won't stop in the street and think "oh *****" when they see me if i am that weight lol
It is so funny how so much weird stuff goes through your brain lol
Lol Sinead, I'm dying to get into the 15's too to look "normal" but the time just seems to be going soo slow, feels like Im never going to get there :( By the time I do get into the 15's (approx end Nov/early Dec) I have to come off Lipotrim because my pharmacy is getting rid of it, so I'm going to take a month break (healthy eating and exercise of course) and then try this new vlcd their starting called 'Nupo'.. have u ever heard of it?? and well done on the 2lbs loss x
Lol Sinead, I'm dying to get into the 15's too to look "normal" but the time just seems to be going soo slow, feels like Im never going to get there :( By the time I do get into the 15's (approx end Nov/early Dec) I have to come off Lipotrim because my pharmacy is getting rid of it, so I'm going to take a month break (healthy eating and exercise of course) and then try this new vlcd their starting called 'Nupo'.. have u ever heard of it?? and well done on the 2lbs loss x

ohhhh never heard of that....i am sure it will be similar tho and with the same results....i am hoping to hit the 15s sometime in November too and i am coming off it for the month of December and will go back on it in January for a couple of months. Not so much worried about the refeed cos that is strict enough for me too but i am worried about the whole xmas period and being set free into the world of food lol but i will keep up the exercise and keep an eye on the food intact and hopefully won't do too much damage.

Now that i know how hard it is to stick at 100% i don't want to spend January losing what i put on in December!!....and i would love to be 11/12 stone for next summer. Deffo would be kind of normal then lol xx
Lol Sinead, I'm dying to get into the 15's too to look "normal" but the time just seems to be going soo slow, feels like Im never going to get there :( By the time I do get into the 15's (approx end Nov/early Dec) I have to come off Lipotrim because my pharmacy is getting rid of it, so I'm going to take a month break (healthy eating and exercise of course) and then try this new vlcd their starting called 'Nupo'.. have u ever heard of it?? and well done on the 2lbs loss x

Crazii, i googled Nupo and only saw good things about it, seems you can have 6 things a day compared to 3...one of them being a bar hehe weight loss seems to be the same as LT i think, so that is all good :) xx roll on the 15s!!!
Crazii, i googled Nupo and only saw good things about it, seems you can have 6 things a day compared to 3...one of them being a bar hehe weight loss seems to be the same as LT i think, so that is all good :) xx roll on the 15s!!!

Thanks for the info Sinead.. I was looking here on minimins about Nupo and nobody seems to be doing it so maybe I will do a diary :) I think you will definitely do great over christmas, your so motivated like you even stayed on Lipotrim when you were out of ketosis and ill.. now thats will power !!:p I hope to start the Nupo about 13/14 of January and stay on it until I get to 12 stone maybe 11 (Will review when I get there :D) Hope the results are the same as Lipotrim because I think Nupo has more calories..Anyway best of luck on reaching your goal, 15's here we come! x
Day 44!
I feel like I have the real Sinead back again after a nightmare of being ill for 3 weeks!!
I feel like i can tackle anything this morning :)

First would like to say sorry to anyone who had to read my moany posts over the last couple of weeks and hopefully won't happen again xx

I have a spead sheet done on the weight loss til now and was looking at it this morning and i am nearly half way through this LT journey cos i will be taking a break for the month of December! 6 weeks done and 7 to go!! When i know that i have done it this far and only the same amount of time to go, which really had flown, i know that i can do it!!

Still haven't got any comments from people who don't know about my weight loss but was talking to my sister last night and she is convinced that people are afraid of embarrassing me if they comment....she says that she wouldn't comment cos would be afraid that i would reply something like "and what was wrong with me before??" but i would love someone to notice it hehehe

Other thing i was thinking about was I haven't gone clothes shopping yet....i am making do with stuff i have, which at times is hard but i don't want to be wasting money if i am survive in baggy trousers for another couple of weeks so noone has seen me in proper fitting clothes.

A funny thing.......i insist on wearing the same clothes every week for my weigh in........Last thursday i put on my trousers and blouse that i wore to my first weigh in on 29th August and adding the fleece i wore that day and my husband walked into the room. He looked at me and roared laughing and then said "Promise me, you won't wear those clothes in public!" I am able to wrap the fleece around me like a dressing gown and on the 29th August it was a "snug fit" when closed lol............It was the 1st time he noticed my weight loss!