Abz' Diary - Maid of Honour

macaroni pudding i think!! i have put the tin in the bin. is made by ambrosia...

abz xx
well i'm a little annoyed with myself for eating my entire chinese when i could easily have stopped at half. i'm not stuffed though so that's ok. am proud of myself for only having one or two chips (which i ordered in the last second. the words just kind of came out of my mouth when i was ordering. i didn't mean to :S) and then gave the rest to OH and didn't pick at them even though they were right next to me. i would have wolfed them before. so that's progress :D

i am thinking more and more than i would like to go on cd or something like that. i'm not sure i would be able to keep it up, and it would be more expensive than i would like, so difficult to afford, but if i kept it up then i wouldn't have to pay for as long would i??!? i'm just sick of being a lump and even though i'm finding this diet easy to follow and will hopefully get a loss from eat, and it's great psychologically too, you don't ever need to beat yourself up over eating something and then going mental because 'why bother' but the results are so slow.... you think it's too late to ring the local cdc? probably is. maybe i should leave it until after the weekend...

abz xx
Have a fun time!
thanks linzi. i had a great time. i am shattered though. not much sleep, and of course, not much diet, but i was fairly restrained, ha. and the next couple of days i need to stay away from as much sugar as poss or i'm going to feel awful on wednesday when i start cd!!

did you have a good weekend?

abz xx
Good luck for wednesday... sounds like your really focused!

My weekend wasn't too bad was 100% on saturday even with a party & a visit to the in-laws!

Sunday I did my race for life 5k but didn't weigh my lunch & then had a piece of chocolate cake with a pastry base after the race!! :eek: But I didn't fancy anything else for the rest of the day.

Thankfully it didn't affect my weight loss as I've remained the same as I was yesterday & the most important thing I managed to keep my focus which to me is the most important thing!

How are you feeling about your last few days before CD?
impatient!! ha. not too bad. like i said, i wasn't exactly good as gold at mum's but i didn't go insane. i seem to be able to stop eating when i'm full and not eating cake just because it's in front of me which is a bit start!! ha. i've been heavily forewarned about sugar crashing when i start this. luckily i'm off work from thursday through til sunday, working sunday alone, then off monday and tuesday, so by the time i go back to work with others hopefully the worst of it will be over so i can be all grumpy safe in my own house, ha.

i can't wait to get thin. when i was at mum's i nabbed a photo of myself when i was at my thinnest, which was a size 12-14, more 14, and i look amazing. i was 17 like... ha. scary that 8 years have passed... i didn't realise it had been that long :S i'm not sure whether i want to go thinner than that. last time i tried to but my face started looking gaunt, but i was only 17... so we'll see how i go. i've stuck it on the living room mirror so that both me, and everyone else, can see how fab i can look :D

abz xx
Good luck for Wednesday, Abz!
well i've just eaten too much. what a pillock i am. why is it that whenever i know i'm starting a diet i always end up eating shedloads, making me heavier to start with, ha. i haven't gone absolutely ape or anything, but have eaten too much sandwich. and i got nearly to the end and was feeling full and i suddenly thought 'why the hell am i still eating this' and threw the last bit in the bin, ha. so i'm getting there, hee. i just want to start cd. i need something to rein me in and keep me in control. i work so much better with strict rules!! am going to have to be a wee bit more careful...

abz xx
right chaps. i'm off to meet my cdc in a couple of hours. i'll let you know how much i weigh in at. i have a feeling it's going to be far higher than i think!!

abz xx
well i went. kay is lovely. really lovely. and she has a gorgeous house in a gorgeous hidden estate, ha. it's a maze to get through though but i got there in the end. i start ss as of today. am going to have my first shake around half 8 for brekkie before the chaps join me here. at least that's one thing, i'm here for two hours on my own first thing on a morning so can have my breakfast in peace :)

i weighed in at 16st 9 and 3/4lbs!! oh my god!! my scales weigh me five lbs less than kay's do, ha. but her's are posh and mine are manky so we'll go with hers :D it also means i've put on about half a stone in the last week... that's what happens when you stop juddding i guess... ha.

so i need to update my signature, and my ticker, i'll do that in a mo, and i guess i need some goals. well my first goal is to get through today, although after last night's fish and chips (with kay's blessing :D) i feel gross. yeuch. so today shouldn't be too hard. so here's to my first day of 100%

abz xx
day one went just fine. a couple of light headed moments and a headache trying to break through. the shakes and soup made me feel a bit sick too, but think that was just my stomach complaining, ha. i drank 4-5 litres of water. am half way through my first litre for the day now. i seem to be thirsty all the time!!

i have my shaker ready for brekkie. chocolate today i think. and i'm helping my friend paint her living room today so that should be interesting going. hope my energy level stays up, ha.

abz xx
cheers linzi. i will :D am sure. at least it will get me away from here for a while. much as i love it it appears to have taken over my life!!

abz xx
Good luck with today hun, rememeber food is evil LOL