Advice for the PrawnchopSuey

Well done on the STS and glad to hear you're feeling a bit better.
Try to take it easy on the shred though - you might still be a bit weak from last week.

I think the whole country had the first BBQ of the year over the weekend! Was definately the weather for it... just hope it's just as nice over the long weekends
A sts is really good for this week dude :) Good luck with the shred! Eeeek.x
Well done on a STS :) A pound a week is a great target, go for it! I wish I could just do a pound a week I really do! Hope you're feeling properly better soon, dont do too much in the way of exercise until you're ok ;)
Thank you all!!

:) Monday - green

Breakfast - banana

Lunch - couscous salad, 2 pears

Snacks - ryvita and philli (HexB x 2), grapes

Dinner - Roast veg medley (new potatoes, parsnip, BNS, pepper, courgette, red onion) with parmesan shavings (HexA)
Strawberries, fromage frais and sweetener

Had NO syns at all today! Wow, got some in the bank to use later in the week ;)

Did day 1 of the shred again (3rd time lucky...), then went to the gym and burned 220kcal. Taking it easy to begin with until I get back into it :)
:) Tuesday - green

Breakfast - banana

Lunch - leftover roast veg with couscous

Snack - pear, wholemeal roll (1.5 HexB) with peanut butter (4 syns)

Dinner - tuna pasta bake (0.5 HexB for tuna, HexA for cheese)
Strawberries, fromage frais and sweetener

Day 2 shredded and 230kcal burned at the gym :)

And another 10 syns banked - 25 in total so far this week ;)
Will probably be needing them as I am going out for lunch on Saturday.
Given myself some mini-goals to keep focused. I really want to be at 160lb by my holiday...
Scales not budging yet this week though - another gym trip this evening methinks :)
Good mini goal - if you've got something specific like that to aim for I'm sure you'll have no problem smashing it!
Hope so!

:) Wednesday - green

Breakfast - banana

Lunch - leftover pasta bake (HexA for cheese), apple

Snack - pear

Dinner - Moroccan fish tagine (HexB x 2 for fish) with jacket potato
skinny cow lolly (4.5 syns)

Day 3 shredded, although didn't have time to get to the gym.
And that brings my syns to 35 banked so far this week - only about 10 used :) :)
Grrr, scales still won't budge this morning, not even a tenth of a pound off! Not sure I'll have time for the gym this evening either... Will just keep plodding and hope for a miracle by Monday ;)

Fish tagine was really nice, recipe went something like:

Mix up lemon juice, cumin, pakrika, cayenne and fresh coriander and smother over fish. Cover and leave to marinate.

Boil onion, garlic, cumin, fresh parsley, chopped carrot and onion and tin of chopped toms and some water - cover and simmer until carrots are tender.

Pour sauce over fish and bake at 190 until fish is cooked through (about 15 mins).

Was really coriandery and the haddock was so tender :)
Should probably have had it with couscous, being Moroccan and all, but I'm a bit couscoused out this week - I've had it Saturday, Monday, Tuesday... so a jacket spud really hit the spot :)
Yum that sounds nice. Probably something you could do with frozen fish fillets too.
I'm sure the scales will be on your side by Monday (fingers crossed for you...)
:) Thursday - green

Breakfast - banana, pear

Lunch - leftover tagine and potato, pear

Snack - ryvita and philidelphia (HexB x 2)

Dinner - Aubergine bake (HexA x 2 for mozzarella), salad
Ripple (9 syns), Solero (5 syns)

Day 4 shredded. Again, didn't have time to go to the gym :(
Grrr, after willing the scales to budge throughout the week, this morning they finally have - 1lb UP.
Not fair!!

Hoping for an STS now come Monday but it's looking like a gain might be on the cards... :(
Here is some good karma I'm sending your way... hoping for that 1lb to miraculously disappear :vibes:

That aubergine bake sounds nice. I always like the idea of aubergines but I'm never that keen when I actually have them...

What are you up to over the weekend?
Aubergine bake was surprisingly nice:

I sliced two aubergines lengthways and 'fried' them in batches.
I meanwhile fried some garlic and added 2 tins chopped toms, oregano and crushed chillis and simmered for about 15 mins to thicken.

Then put some sauce in a dish, covered with a lyaer of aubergine then some slices of half fat mozzarella, more sauce, more aubergine and more cheese on top, then baked for about 40 mins.

It was very garlicky (recipe said to slice not crush so there were big chunks in the sauce) but I love garlic!!
Next time I'd probably have a potato or some wedges with it as there were no carbs in the meal, but was in a rush, trying to get shredded and showered while it was in the oven.

I'm out tonight for someone's leaving do at work. Will probably stick to diet coke so no problems there. Think I'll drive too then I can't be tempted by lager!!

Tomorrow I am meeting a couple of friends up in Richmond (North Yorkshire, not London!) for a walk and a pub lunch. Hoping the two cancel each other out!! I will again be driving though so at least it won't be a boozy lunch. It's forecast to be a nice day so should be a lovely day with lots of nattering and wedding talk because one of the girls is getting married in September :)

Sunday I have no plans, probably will be helping OH with his CV and job applications as he's always whinging he needs a new job but is a bit lax with actually getting his bum in gear and doing anything about it.

Still pee'd off about the lb gain. I'm thinking that using more syns might actually help me lose more, because this week I've been really strict with syns compared to previous weeks where I had meals out etc. and had losses. Grr, will be cross on Monday if I have gained, but it's an excuse to eat more next week!
Mmm that aubergine bake does sound nice. Suprise suprise its another veg fussy hubby doesn't like though... so I might make it one day and give half to my veggie sister in law - she loves aubergines and gives me a chance to try out.

My hubby's exactly the same with his job, he'll moan and moan about wanting to leave, and how cr*p it is, but won't do anything about it :rolleyes:. Although obviously now our situation has changed so he is banned from leaving... apart from anything internal where he's not at risk of joining another company only to be made redundant.

Your weekend sounds lovely - and a nice long walk should definately cancel out the pub lunch! And well done on being so disciplined on not drinking... driving is always a great excuse.

You may be right about the syns - I've seen in a few people's diaries where they do better when they keep up their syns, worth a shot I guess? Or maybe you could try shaking things up and throwing in a few more red days if your body's getting used to green?

I know Capricorn is a great one to shake things up and try something different every week, but she's got more discipline than I could ever have, so I think her amazing losses are more to do with that! Might be worth a shot at seeing what she's done differently and trying something out?
Hey I'm one for having more syns!!! But then I can verge on the having too many syns too and gaining. Its a delicate balance :)

Your plans are looking good. You cant be pee'd off about a gain as you havent officially gained (WI on mon ???). You know weight fluctuates so much perhaps you just needed to go up one to come down a few..... you'll find out on Monday! Sounds like you have a good weekend planned too with lots of walking, so you'll be fine (you have to believe it for it to happen!).

I love the sound of the aubergine bake, is it the one on the SW calendar ? I've bought light mozzarella this week but couldnt find any aubergines yet, I've tried sainsburys and aldi so I guess I need to try tesco.

Have a great weekend (you too Sarah) :)
By the way fish tagine sounds lovely! What fish did you use ?