Advice for the PrawnchopSuey


Yes Gobolino, it was the recipe from the calender and it was yummy! For the fish tagine I used haddock but would have used the Tesco value river cobbler if they had had any in stock when I went shopping. It really takes in the corianderyness off the marinade so any white fish would do ( and to be honest, they all taste pretty much the same to me!)

Sarah, Capricorn is a legend!! But I don't think I have what it takes to stick to any of her initiatives. I live for carbs so wouldn't consider limiting my evening carbs! I have to admit I worry about her a bit too as she can no longer eat a whole HexB at a time and seeing that 28g of oats is NOTHING I dread to think the portions she'll be eating by target!! I think I'd rather lose slowly than have 14g oats for breakfast!!! :)

:) Friday - green

Breakfast - banana, pear

Lunch - cup-a-pasta, ryvita and phili (HexB x 2)

Snack- apple,

Dinner - pasta and pesto (4 syns) and fromage frais, ripple (9 syns)
Diet cokes

Day 5 shredded

:) Saturday - green

Day 6 shredded

Pub Lunch - tuna burger (HexBs, left half the white bread roll), half the chips, pineapple salsa and salad

Snack - one scoop strawberry ice cream in a cone

Dinner - jacket potato, baked beans and cheese (HexA)

Had a lovely day, weather was gorgeous and Richmond is a really pretty little place. Many syns were had but thoroughly enjoyed :)
Well done on the pub lunch - you made some pretty good choices, and who can resist an ice-cream in the sunshine!
I agree that it's probably better to lose slowly and enjoy yourself... But I guess some of the techniques are worth it if you want a couple of weeks of good losses for anything.

Hope you have a good Sunday x
Sunday - red

Day 7 shredded

Breakfast - fibre plus bar (HexB), banana

Lunch - peanut butter wrap (4 syns - I'm counting a wrap as a HExB), pear

Dinner - Beef tacos (12 syns for 4 taco shells, HexA for cheese)
Magnum (13 syns)

I think that since I knew I was heading for a gain anyway I let things slip yesterday.
I had a big clothes sort out too, and have made lots of space in my wardrobe by sorting some too-big bits for charity and others to bag up and hide somewhere. Made me feel really positive to see how many clothes I can fit into that I couldn't a year ago and how many are now waaay too big :)

Anyhow, reality check, I weighed in this morning and have GAINED 3LB!!! Gutted, absolutely gutted.

I knew a gain was in order from when the scales went up mid week completely undeservedly. And I may have gone over my syns this weekend, but 3lb? That's so not deserved :(

So my 160lb target for my holidays has gone out of the's going to take weeks to undo this :(
Hey PCSuey :)

Sorry to hear about your gain, you were within syns for the week though weren't you ? Perhaps it was literally the weight of sundays food ? I'm on my high horse about lots of things affecting weight (it annoys me alot!) and its so frustrating especially when you feel all is going well. Please dont be gutted, this is probably a case of lots of things affecting your weight (water, weight of food etc). Dont let it throw you off plan!

I made the aubergine bake on the weekend and it went down a storm :) I used the italian book recipe which is slightly different to the calendar (which I thought was strange), but essentially the same. Next time I definitely want SW wedges with it :)

Oh, you remind me, I too need a clothes sort out. Big time!

Hope you're having a good day :)
Oh no PCS :( I hope the 3lb was a false gain and you're back to losing awesomely again this week.xx
Thank you all!

Well, I've been AWOL for a couple of days, it's been manic at work this week and I have had to take colleagues out for lunch and dinner every day so food wise I have not been on plan, although trying to chose wisely. It seems a bit silly to just 'guesstimate' syns when you eat out, because let's face it, you can't really have a clue what's in it!

Been keeping at the shred though and managed a trip to the gym on Monday. Started level 2 of the shred this morning and think there'll aching in a couple of days like there was for level 1! All good though, it must be toning something somewhere, if not burning much fat.

Scales are 1lb down from Monday, still really gutted about Monday's gain because I really did not deserve it. And I don't fluctuate throughout the week like some people so it is a definite gain. Hoping in a couple of weeks I can get rid of it but it feels a bit like snakes and ladders just losing and gaining the same pounds.

Last day at work today for 11 days! Woo hoo :)
Hoping to make it to the gym tonight :)
Well done on getting to the gym and doing the shred, particularly if you've been hectic. Good luck for Monday I'm sure you can pull some of it back

Hey PCS!
How's things?
I'm back - AGAIN! :rolleyes: and just wanted to say :wavey: and hope you are doing OK!

I hope those pesky 3lbs haven't knocked you off track as looking over your diary it looks like you were doing fab! HATE, HARE, HATE those unjustified gains :mad: but it could have been anything from water retention to just the wrong TOTM or just your body being stubborn and holding onto something it shouldn't be!

Anyway, I hope you're OK and have had a lovely Easter - and not scoffed toooo many eggs!!! (unlike me :eek:)
Back again!!! Had a week and a half AWOL - think the 3lb gain didn't help, but neither did a week off work and lovely weather....

Official weigh in yesterday said STS, although this morning's earlier WI said 175 (which is probably more accurate but I'm in denial...).
Only 9 weeks until my holiday, have ordered a bunch of bikinis to try on and it won't be a pretty sight. Have to refocus big time!!

On the upside I did lots of exercise, plenty of being outdoors and enjoying the sunshine. I did day 20 of the shred yesterday too which is definitely building up some muscle under the flab.

Hoping for a good loss this week, I A M R E F O C U S E D!!! :) :)
Good luck with the bikinis, I'm sure they'll be fine. Wow 9 weeks - that's come around quick!!

Well done on doing lots of exercise, it's hard to stay indoors with the weather we've been having - it's been fab!!
Well done on the STS, I'm sure you'll get right back on track like you always do!
Thanks ladies - well I reweighed this morning and it is still on the 175 mark so saying I've STS is complete denial really.... Hoping I can get 2lb off by Monday and add another STS to the list though ;)

:) Tuesday - EE

Breakfast - banana

Lunch - leftover tuna pasta bake (HexA for cheese), pear

Snacks - apple, muller light yoghurt, twix (14 syns)

Dinner - tuna steak, stirfry veg and noodles, large handful of minstrels (eek!)

Didn't get home from work until after 7 so my plans to get to the gym or shred failed spectacularly. Hey ho, today is a new day. And I've left the garage door unlocked cos Next shall be delivering a couple of bikinis today! Don't tell OH because he'd go mental to know that I've left the garage unlocked hee hee (let's hope the lawnmower and bikes are still there this evening ;) ). I am sure seeing myself in a bikini will send me running off to the gym :) probably send everyone else running too :)
:) Wednesday - Green

Breakfast - banana

Lunch - AH couscous (0.5 syn), pear

Snack - 2 plums, pear, 2 ryvita and phili (HexB), ripple (9 syns)

Dinner - Egg fried rice (Bacon for HexB), garlic bread (12 syns)
Strawberries and fromage frais
Hey you're looking good menu-wise :) I hope your bikinis are nice, I must admit I find bikini shopping pretty stressful so its a great idea to get them delivered!
Hiya lovely, sorry I've not been around for ages, well done on the STS. Do you still have lawn mower and bikes after leaving the garage open? Hehe, how were the bikinis? Hope you have a lovely weekend and avoid the rain, I'm meant to be going to the beach tomorrow with the girls but think we may need umbrellas. xxx
Hope it was sunny at the beach hun!
We've been so spoilt with the weather this year, shame it can't keep it up all summer as well...Well, you never know, pigs might fly!!

So so busy, finding it a struggle to get on here and keep my diary. I really need to though, otherwise little bits of naughty stuff sneak in here and there.
Scales on 174 this week, had a lazy week last week and didn't make it to the gym at all. Am being better behaved this week, did 30mins cross trainer last night, 250kcal burned.

Bloody Next have gone on my naughty list. They sent me an e-mail last Wednesday to say estimated delivery date = today. Well, the parcel came on Sunday! So their estimation was pretty rubbish.
Anyhow, I've now got a shiny new red polka dot bikini (not an itsy witzy teeny weeny one though), from Freya so it holds everything in place. Apart from the belly but a bikini would struggle with that ;)

Only 8 weeks until my holiday, it's creeping up faster and faster. Operation 160 has gone out of the window but 165lb would be great. I need to focus properly though, no more drifting off plan...
Every time you have an urge to eat something naughty just take a look at those bikinis and it will hopefully put you off. Good luck for staying on track hun :)
Hows this week going with you ? Hope you're still focussed :) I've just remembered, you reminded me to buy some leeks and herbs ready for homity pie :) Was yours nice ?