Advice needed- weekend away!


Full Member
Hello there, next week will be my 3rd week of SW and I've been happily sticking to the diet without any problems. I'm going away for 2 nights with my fiancé next weekend though and I really don't want to blow all my good work. There will be plenty of eating out (he loves nice restaurants :sigh:) and there definitely will be wine.
So, if any of you have any advice, strategies, hints, tips, anything to help me get a plan together for what I'm going to do, I'd really appreciate hearing from you.
If you can, check menus before you go - many restaurants have menus on their websites. Then you can choose the sort of thing you would like to eat without any pressure of time, waiter hovering over you, etc.

Ask for what you want. If something comes with chips, say you would like a salad or vegetables instead. If something comes with a sauce, ask if you can have it served separately, so you can taste a little of it, or not at all.

Ask nicely, and you will probably find that restaurant staff will be happy to help.

Order water at the same time as the wine is ordered. Then you have something else to drink. Have a little bit of wine and a lot of water.
Thank you for this. I'll also take the initiative, find out the nice places to eat and suggest places that look like they have good low-syn options.
I'll have my notebook with me and do my best to keep track for the weekend too!
Optimise where you can. Keep some fruit and aplen light bars on you and fill up with salads where you can. At least then if you have only high syn choices you can try and only eat half...aim to leave some food on your plate if it is high. But enjoy yourself other than worrying about the food...otherwise it will become overwhelming and you'll either sink and give in to everything or not enjoy the weekend at all (and plan your alcohol intake) but most of all ENJOY IT :party0016: