advice please....

malibu2012 said:
Daisy65- i just think its fab that you had a day off and then was able to get straight back on plan the next day, must take real determination + you still lost which is sooo fab! makes me feel better about having the day off, i dont expect to loose that week but even if i can stay the same rather than gain i'll be happy.

Siobhan89- wow hun that is absolutely fab!!! well done :) bet you are made up!!!!
was really hoping for 4lb this week but had a cheeky mid week weigh in + only lost 1lb since fri :sigh: so unless i can some how miracuosly loose 3lb in the next 4 days then that goal is out the window :( haha! tried on the size 18 dress i orderd from next today + its gorgeous but doesn't do up at the back!!! booooo i feel sooo gutted but can't beat myself up im trying my best. i just know how fab i would have felt if it had fit... but im sure it wont take long, but the wedding will have been + gone by then! cant wait for the day i can walk into a shop, pick up any dress + not worry about it not fitting me xxx

Just keep drinking plenty of water! U never know hun u might surprise yourself ;) aww it won't take long before your into it but look at it this way the next occasion your going to you shud be into an even smaller size! :D and thanks! I'm chuffed :D also lost a total of 5 inches off my body too woohoo xx
5 inches in a week?? wow thats awesome!!! can u feel a difference in your clothes? i noticed today that a new outfit i got (t-shirt + chinos) size 20 from new look 2 weeks ago was 'snug' + today was actually baggy :) that made me smile as shows im not too far off an 18! it really is sooo fab how quick the results are on this diet, realisticly its possible to go down a dress size a month thats crazy lol i need to keep reminding that to myself! how u feeling on the diet? have u tried the porridge yet? i havent yet but im intriged lol x
malibu2012 said:
5 inches in a week?? wow thats awesome!!! can u feel a difference in your clothes? i noticed today that a new outfit i got (t-shirt + chinos) size 20 from new look 2 weeks ago was 'snug' + today was actually baggy :) that made me smile as shows im not too far off an 18! it really is sooo fab how quick the results are on this diet, realisticly its possible to go down a dress size a month thats crazy lol i need to keep reminding that to myself! how u feeling on the diet? have u tried the porridge yet? i havent yet but im intriged lol x

That's brilliant! :) I try to squeeze on my size 16 skinnys from new look there but just not managing them yet! Haha I know it's amazin! Can't wait to start goin down dress sizes :) I'm feelin ok! Slight headaches yday n today but just kept drinkin plenty of water also quite tired but I think that will soon wear off! Yeh I tried the cinnamon n apple it was quite nice considering I've never had porridge in my life before! Lol got the maple n pecan one this week to try too xx
Well done hun xxx