Advice please


Full Member
Hi i'm back again finally got internet connection sorted out!!!

I am after a little bit of advice please on how to cope with cravings.

On this diet I never feel hungry but often want to eat just for the sake of it for no real reason than the fact I am bored (I think) how do I stop it!!!!!!!

Many thanks for your help
Hi Bethan,
I dont think the cravings to eat ever go away, you just learn to ignore them. Mind over matter. You are doing so well. You are over a third of the way there! Keep going... it will be worth it and the food will still be there when you have finished.
A x
Things that work for me are:
go for a walk
ring a friend
read some of the posts here
look at photos of me looking slim
have a bath (warm water always makes me feel ful-weird)
watch a movie
schedule an appointment with beautician, have a massage
engage in a task that will take you over an hour to complete
get out of the house, doesn't matter where, have very little money on you so you don't end up buying food along the way
try out all the clothes in your wardrobe, those that are too big and those that are too small
do your nails
do your hair

You get the idea by now. Keep busy!