Advice re exercise:

Size 16 Will Do

Silver Member
hiya everyone

I am sort of trying to ease myself into Cambridge, I am having 3 products a day and a small salad with protein at lunch and the same on a night.

I do exercise though, at the minute I bike to work and back which is 25 mins each way and have ordered 30 day shred off amazon to start as well.

What I want to knowis do any of you manage exercise while on SS?

DOn't really want to give up exercising x
i have and will always contunie to exercise.
they say you shouldnt push yourself so listen to your body, but dont stop doing it if you are already doing, as your body will be used to it already.
they say dont start extreem exercise if you dont already do it..
and i have done the gym, and also the 30 day shred whilst on ss+ and know of others doing it on ss.
just make sure you listen to what your body is telling you, drink some more and take care.
hope this helps.
im on ss and i have been doing light exercise (not that i did much before) and running around after my baby... i find i need to drink a bit more... but yes listen to you body and you will be fine!
i'm also on SS and i do a very intense exercise and push myself more & more each week but i started this before starting CD and i feel fine on it sometimes feel a little sick but i know my limits
exercise is fine. biking to work and back and doing the 20mins of the shred is ok. i was running whilst on ss before. ran up to 6 miles then i hit a plateau! i moved to the 810 and lost 8lbs and the scales started moving again! just listen to your body and do what you can.
thanks everyone, only been biking 2 days but enjoy it and think it makes a healtier lifestyle for maintaining the weight loss (when I end up loosing that is)!

x x