

Full Member
I'm on day 3 and the last 2 hours have been hard, I have walked to the freezer twice thinking "I can eat chicken it won't matter" or "just a slice of ham" but I know I'll just end up stuffing my face!

I'm drinking tons of water and going to the gym soon but i feel like in going to cave tonight!

England are playing tonight so it's tempting to drink a couple of gins!


12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
Just keep reminding urself why ur Doing this. The feeling won't last and then u will feel great for resisting :) it makes it easier next time then. Looking forward to the game with my water :D xx
james g if you do have chicken or ham its not gonna be enough an tomorrow will be the same and then before you know it your gonna be raging at yourself, if i was you i would stay in and watch the footie, choose your battles hun and im sure cheating isnt one of them xx
Keep thinking that right now you are losing weight and getting to your goal and every time you resist you are getting one step closer. Also imagine how you're gonna feel when you have your first week weigh in :scale:
You're all fantastic ?

I have just finished the gym and decided to pass some more time in the sauna, steam and jacuzzi!

Still feel hungry but gonna have an early one and watch the match first thing tomorrow, hopefully I won't feel like drinking at 6am!

It's crazy how much I link football with alcohol... I must break that link!

Thanks again!

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
The ? After fantastic wasn't meant to be!

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
Going to get my weigh in this morning!

Was supposed to e yesterday but I was too busy, day 4 weigh in I'm feeling confident!

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
Good luck jamed
Or even James, damn keyboard

13lbs loss!


Thanks for your help everyone!

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
Today is day 4, next weigh in is a week now, fingers crossed!

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)
How come you've weighed in 4 days? That's fantastic we'll done!! Has that motivated you to keep going now? :)
Its easier Togo to the chemist on a Saturday morning but I wanted to start the shakes straight away on Wednesday while I had the motivation!

It was decided I would go every Saturday starting today but I started early ;-)

12th June: 16"10(234lbs)