Aerobics: The Big Lie


I've often stated that I do not use any form of low intensity aerobic exercises with my clients for the purpose of fat loss. However, to show that Its not just me who's saying it, here's an article I found from Erick Minor. Erick Minor is an accomplished personal trainer, and has trained many elite athletes, including Olympians. He runs his own training facility in Texas, USA. Take a read and see what you think.

Aerobics: The Big Lie

by Erick Minor
At Dynamic Barbell Club, we do not recommend steady-state low intensity aerobic exercise for long term fat loss. Walking, jogging, low-intensity cycling falls into this category.

Low-Intensity aerobic exercise is not an effective way to lose body-fat and can actually increase fat stores under certain conditions.

The evidence of the above statement can be found in any commercial gym across the USA. Aerobic classes are a great social outlet, but an inefficient means to lose fat.

World renowned strength coach Charles Poliquin states, “Low intensity aerobic exercise increases body fat around the abdominals, hips and thighs once the 6-8 week adaptation period has been completed.”
Why, because the body adapts to implied demands and since the main fuel source for low intensity aerobic exercise is fat and oxygen the body will store more fat where it is easily accessible; the abdominals, hips, and thighs.
This is bad news for the average women spending 4 hours per week walking on the treadmill or doing classes.

The top 5 reasons I don’t recommend long duration low-intensity exercise:

1. Long duration low intensity exercise decreases muscle tissue. You must increase and maintain muscle tissue for significant fat loss to occur.

2. There is a high incidence of orthopedic injury among avid joggers and marathon participants. It is accepted by runners in the know: if you run a marathon you will be injured.

3. Excessive aerobic exercise increases resting cortisol levels.

4. Aerobic exercise is time consuming. An intense 35 minute resistance training workout will do more good than 60 minutes of walking.

5. Increased oxidative stress: a cause of premature aging.

Resistance training is the most effective and time efficient exercise protocol to lose body-fat.

1. Anyone at any level of conditioning can participate in resistance training.

2. Postural faults can be addressed while resistance training.

3. Corrective resistance exercises can decrease incidence of back pain.

4. Specific muscles can be emphasized to reshape your body.

5. Resistance training is the best way to increase bone density.

6. Growth Hormone levels increase with a properly designed program.

7. More effective at improving insulin resistance than aerobic training.

8. Increases testosterone levels naturally.

9. Increases muscle tissue which is the most important factor for fat loss.

10. Resistance training increases metabolic rate, regular aerobic work decreases metabolic rate.

I’m not saying that aerobic exercise is bad for you, there are many health benefits obtained from regular aerobic exercise. It just is not an efficient way to lose body-fat.


If any of you here would like know how to set up your own fat-burning resistance exercise program, see this post:http:

Or feel free to P.M me for more individualized advice.

Thanks Justin
As someone just starting out on excercising it's a really useful thread :)