Ahem... Has your "appetite" increased?

Omg u two!!!!

GET A ROOM! hehe.x
Tinkerbellarella said:
Omg u two!!!!

GET A ROOM! hehe.x

Someone get a bucket of icy water pronto!!!
Lol i am jealous! I have the dude, i have a wabbit but the will to to even rurn either on is GONE! should have stuck a return to sender note on my sex drive when it left....
Princess_Ames said:
Hahaha. Sorry ladies. Must pull myself together Lmao

Hey u crack on hun! Sure made me chuckle! And chuckling is good. ;)
Pulling (literally) is the only way I'm going to get to try this 'sex' thing. :D
Does that count?

Ah the ban got lifted. Think i caught the bunny bug.....
Nah doesnt count if u do it yourself haha! ;)
Not even if I sit on my hand first so it goes numb and feels like someone else is doing it?
I do watch it, but the 'numb hand' method was round long before them :D
Lol we used to tease my single bro that he would shave one leg so he'd think he had a lady in his bed...
OH has lost 4 stone and a rather large belly so he can have a turn on top again nowadays. Saves my knees too:)
No, no, no, no, no, YES!

Anyway, it was princess!!! she made me do it!! :D